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  1. bluekingboy
    It;s people like that who give Christians a bad name.These kind of people make up a very small percent of Christians yet their the ones who get the most attention making us look bad. On behalf of all the TRUE Christians we strongly disagree with her.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 4, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  2. bluekingboy
    Al gasped.Then calmed down.He tilted his head to the side as if considering something.He straightened up." this some kind of S & M thing?" He said smirking."You said you would help me with Namine....I've decided.I want her brought here and chained up.Let's see how Roxas likes that...." His features became dark."Oh it will just break his little heart..." He said with a crooked smile.He was silent for a moment before snapping out of it,his features returning to normal."So is this a reasonable request?" Al said looking directly into Xenree's eyes.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. bluekingboy
    Al walked away without a word until he was out of sight.He opened a portal and walked in closing it behind him.He stepped out in front of Xenree."I got your charm.....and the boys darkness....I know how we can further it...if you will help."
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. bluekingboy
    Al rolled his eyes.He bent down and kneeled next to Roxas.He put his hand on his back absorbing the darkness.With his other hand he reached into his pocket and grabbed the charm putting it in his own pocket in a way that noone would have noticed.He kept absorbing his darkness till he felt him breathing again and stood up.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. bluekingboy
    "I tried to warn you..." Al said coldly.He put away his keyblade."The darrkness is growing inside of can you be trusted?Hm?"
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. bluekingboy
    Al looked at Roxas shaking his head."I don't trust you....your darkness is becoming too much for you to do I know you won't join Xenree!" He said.He though he saw a flicker of a dark aura coming from Roxas.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. bluekingboy
    Al looked over to Namine who was shaking then looked back to Roxas."Calm down're scareing her...if you want to talk we can do it some where else.."
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. bluekingboy
    "I was corrupted! I regret taking things too fast,but I can't change it!And I was telling you I'd destroy the charm."
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. bluekingboy
    Al summoned his keyblade defensively."What are you talking about?! I came back to get Xenree's charm and destroy it!"
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. bluekingboy
    [] Accept
    Because he was nice about it this time.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. bluekingboy
    Al sighed taking out his keyblade turning it around.He closed his eyes as he brought the handle down across the side of his face leaving a large bruise.Al walked through the portal stepping out a couple yards away from Roxas.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. bluekingboy
    Al stopped feeling his bruises had gone away."I know I'm gonna regret this but my bruises are fading and they're gonna wonder why I was here...." he said he said closing his eyes.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. bluekingboy
    Accepted :)
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. bluekingboy
    Go for it!If she says no shes not gonna stop being tyour friend.And if on the off chance she does then shes a b*tch and didn't deserve you.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  15. bluekingboy
    It's been several years since the heroes went missing.The world is slowly turning to ruins.The villains fight for control of territory across the world.They terrorize the citizens without mercy.But there is hope.Slowly heroes are emerging.Old faces instantly recognizable by those who remember the Golden Days,as they call the days before the villain outbreak, and new faces hoping to make a change.But many new villains are emerging everyday hoping to come out on top of the vicious power struggle.

    Ok so heres how this is gonna work.You can either be a hero or villain.You can be an already existing Marvel character or an OC.If you choose to be an existing character you must know somewhat of their character details.(backstory,some villains,etc...)and under backstory put where they have been/why they were out of action. If you choose to be an OC then you must create a backstory including how they got their powers.If you wish to be an existing villain PM me first.OCs can change sides if you wish.

    Character Sheet:
    Superhero/Villain Name:
    Real Identity:
    Hero or Villain?:
    Other(if necessary):
    1.No god-modding
    2.No killing others players without their permission
    3.I don't mind violence but if it would be R-rated in a movie please put a spoiler tag over it
    4.Other than that keep it pg-13.


    Username: Dr_Wigglz
    Superhero Name: The Wave
    Real Identity: Stefan Morocco
    Age: 30
    Backstory: Stefan is an ex-soldier. He left after "the incident". "The Incident" was a lab experiment done to only two soldiers. The first did not survive the brutal injections, the other was Stefan. The chemicals injected into the human brain allowed it some control over the environment, granting the soldier telekinetic powers. He went into hiding to avoid the government, but upon hearing of the villains gradually taking over he decided he had hidden enough. It was time to once more enter battle.
    Powers: Telekinesis
    Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes. Slightly muscular. 5"9 in height.
    Other(if necessary): He has no costume,as he no longer refers to himself as Stefan. The only life he lives now is The Wave's.
    Thread by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011, 280 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. bluekingboy
    Gotta admit that video....made me lol.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  17. bluekingboy
    Try clicking on the x.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: Technology
  18. bluekingboy
    The midnight release of the childrens games was near your house.A fight breaks out over the last copy starting a riot.Your house is burned down in the process with you asleep inside it. Age 47.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. bluekingboy
    One thing you have to remember is first and foremost they are a buisiness.Their job is to sell games.They will try to a wide audience while trying to make whatever demographic will buy the most.If the children buy the most thats who they'll appeal to.They don't care if they're just slamming their hands on the controllers staring at mickey mouse.Right now the older audience is the the one buying the most.
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. bluekingboy
    Heres how I see it: The disney worlds provide morals and life lessons in addition to appealing to a younger audience because at times the KH story can be too dark for younger people.KH2 really was geared torward the older audience.I mean the younger people couldn't really relate to worlds like Steamboat Willie and Tron or maybe even Pirates of the Carribean.KH3D will have all new Disney worlds which could be a step in the right direction.I think they're trying to find a nice balance.So give them some slack at least they're trying.(I'm looking at you:people who came up with the new genration of pokemon)
    Post by: bluekingboy, Apr 2, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts