"Of course I'd protect you!I'm not with her....." Al said grabbing Namine's hand."C'mon let's get out of here...." "Sure..." Lax said summoning his sword.
"You could come with me....I'll protect you!" Al said sincerely. Lax shrugged."Pretty good I guess......"
Lax followed him without a word.
"No hes just odd....it bothers me actually..." Lax replied.
Al hugged her."At this point he's lost control...." Lax frowned."But I don't want to talk to it....."
"I don't think so...." Al replied putting his hand on her shoulder. Lax shrugged."Okay...."
Lax just ignored the comment."So where are we going?"
"No!...I mean let's not....okay?" Lax said.
Lax looked back at Xenree and sighed."Nevermind..."
Lax shrugged."Ummm..can we stay?"
Al just pointed to Xenree and Roxas."Really?" Lax got bothered by Roxas and Xenree.
Al saw Namine running torwards him and met her halfway with a big hug.
Al started to say something but decided against it and stepped out into Xenree's throne room.
Al nodded and followed him into the dark corridor."Back to Xenree's castle?"
Al nodded."But I don't care.It's my destiny.How can a being of pure darkness do anything else.My other half....the light side of me.....is gone and now a being of pure light." Lax watched Xenree carefully.He felt repulsed but at the same time attracted.He remained silent watching as Gexln tried to sneek up on her.
Lax followed Gexln.He was spinning his sword in his hand.
Lax though for a minute summoning a long bright sword with intricate points leading up to the end."Yeah!"
Lax shrugged."Not really....no...I don't know how I got here..."
Hopefully the trailer should surface this summer.
"I....don't..know...." Lax replied rather plainly.