Al stepped in front of Namine.He looked at all of them."Your not going to kill them.....they are necessary for healing...not to mention they could just keep healing themselves.Now you!" he said pointing to his own egg."Will listen to me!And you two!" he said pointing to Gexln and his egg."Will quit bothering me and her!" Lax looked at Xenree."Mistress Xenree?Whats wrong?"
The man sat in the tree.He watched as a wild boar crossed the clearing.He grabbed his spear he had next to him.He spent several minutes taking aim.Finally he threw it,only to barely missed."Crap!" he said to himself."Now the only way to get food is to go back to the city!And its overrun with supervillains!" His head drooped as his face spread with a look of defeat.
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllcooooooooooooon paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnch!!! You in the face for stealing my quote!
"Cool!" Al looked at Namine as his jaw dropped."I...don't....know....."
" what kinda powers do you have?" He said watching Namine leave.
Al looked at the egg "Well that just sounds like cheating!"
Al looked at the egg."Hey.You.What now?"
Lax reached out and touched the heart.When he did it he absorbed it."Whoa..." He shrugged not quite sure of what just happened.He turned around and almost tackled Xenree in a hug."I did it!Aren't you proud of me?" Al ignored the eggs comment." what?" he said to Namine.
OOC:Well as it stands now the villains are the ones running things so enjoy! XD BIC:Meanwhile in a dark forest, a man in his late 20s sat in a tree waiting for something to walk by.He had dark brown hair, was a little on the tall side and was wearing tattered jeans and a dirty tee shirt.He hadn't eaten in 2 days and his emergency supply of water was dangerously low.He laid back as he sighed."Well this may be it for me......"
Lax did just that. "My name is your one of those egg things right?" he said sitting on the bed.
Lax jumped into the air with his sword in position to stab TK. Al pulled out the egg and held it up."Hey I found one!"
Lax ducked chraging forward staying below the hand throwing an uppercut at TK. Al looked into her eyes."Sure!" he said as his hand felt something round.
Lax smacked him in the helmet hard with his sword then jumped back keeping a distance. Al looked up bet kept feeling around under the bed."Sure."
Lax made a pulling motion as a small string of light pulled his sword back breaking the stalagmites just in time to block the one about to hit him. Al blushed and smiled.He started to look around under Namine's bed.
Lax jumped out of the way before hurling his sword at TK. Al laughed falling over onto the bed.
Lax rolled out of the way."Behind you....." he scoffed. Al put his arm around her shoulder." gonna show me in?"
Lax swung his sword at TK's head. "Okay!" Al said not resisting at all.
"Yeah....." Al said holding her hand."I don't remember where it is....." Lax lunged at him."None of that now!"
"Ummm we need to go back to your room..."Al said. Lax summoned his sword.He winked at Xenree and prepared to fight.