Lax just kicked Raoxthu in the face while he was on the ground.He jumped back and held his sword in the air as it started to glow.
Lax outstretched his sword as it hit his sword.His sword took all the damage as it grew brighter.He swung his sword down torwards Raoxthu as an intensified version of his Thundaga was fired back at him.
Lax swung his sword at Raoxthu."Noone tries to hurt Mistress Xenree!"
As Spider-Man made his way into the city he saw a tall building.He shot a web from his wrist.As it made contact he pulled it with great force propelling himself to the top of it."Hmmmm any sign of life on Mars?"
I falcon kicked you in the crotch simultaneously.
The man laid back to accept defeat as a small spider crawled across his leg.He looked at it,only glancing at it at first but then stared at it.It was almost symbollic."No.I won't just sit here and accept defeat!I ought to be out there!Helping people!I mean after all.....I'm freaking Spider-Man!" he said pulling out a red and black mask with an intricate pattern and put it on.And with that he started off through the forest torwards the city.His home.New York.
I love how you don't respond to it cuz you know your godmodding....
Al nodded."Mkay...." he said smiling.
Al's hands grabbed at her dress.
Al opened his mouth allowing it and pushing his tongue in her mouth.
Al smirked returning the kiss.He wrapped his arms around her.
Al looked at the Neon Blue egge and winked.He nodded gesturing torwards Namine.
"Well...." Al said looking into her eyes.
Al tried to open the door."It's locked down!It won't budge!I guess we'll just have to stay here for now...." he said sitting on her bed.
Then the godmodding on this thread has gotten out of control.
Dan had brought several cases of alchoholic beverages to the camp he had drinken almost all pof them in one night."I'M INVINCIBLE!" he screamed as he shot an arrow through his chest, collapsing.His existance was terminated.
Al looked at them."They're going to be okay.They can handle themselves..." he said using his powers of persuasion.
Al got up and locked the door to their room."We're safe in here...." He said hugging Namine.
Alphonse sat in a dark and dusty hotel room.He could no longer take a life running and fighting heartless.Earlier that night he had fallen asleep in the street collapsing from running all week. He had awaken to several gang members violating his body.Afterwards they beat him till his face was no longer recognizable.He felt death was the only escape.Heartless were storming the hotel and he could hear them coming.He pulled a shotgun out of his bag and slowly loaded it.As the heartless were pounding at his door he brought the gun to the side of his head.Tears ran down his face as the heartless broke his door down, a shot rang out across the city as the blood stained the walls.Alphonse's body hit the floor as he lay in a pile of his own blood. OOC:sorry I'm done with this thread :) (then the godmodding on this thread has gotten out of control)
OOC:Your gonna need to put in how he got his powers.