Spider-Man jumped up on the side of the building encasing Stone Heart and Tremor in a caccoon of web spraying from his hand."You fiends!" A tall man with black hair sat on a roof down the street observing the sitution through the scope of a rifle.
Al ignored the others and took Namine's hand in both of his.He looked her in the eyes and very sincerely said"Namine....do you want me to stay?"
"Ummmm it was a recent death...and ummm....you guys were close sooo...I'm sorry I shouldn't have-......Is that blood on your hands....?"Spider-Man said taking a step back.
"No....I told you I'd protect you Namine!And I can't do that if I'm not with you!" Al said holding Namine's hand.
"Hey....ummmm...yeah I don't mean to assume anything but ummmm do you know anything about the dead guy in the general store?" He said scratching his head awkwardly.
Al looked at Namine."I saved you didnt I?"
Al looked at them."Why would I kill you?"
Al saw the Neo Rare Witch leaving and quickly portaled inside of it."Having a party without me?" "I'll be sure to punish you later.."Xemnas said.Zexion moved slightly in the corner."I've been here the whole time....."Xemnas just frowned a little."Well I've called you here because I've decide to recruit two new members....I have not decided who yet but I will make it your duty to find two and bring them to me...I will screen them from there.Understood?"
Spider-Man spied a genreal store "Ooh snacks!" he said swinging down to the front of the store.He walked in and spied a dead body on the floor."Eww...." He walked over the chips shelf and began tearing open bags and eating them.After he had eaten almost 15 bags of chips he walked to the front of the store."Hey I'll pay you later 'kay?" He said waving to the body on the floor."Ugghh.....hope I don't get fat from that...only have one costume..." He saw three people walking in the distance."Hey I bet they know some thing about the dead body.Hey you three!" he shouted.
"Hey Egg!Have you seen my shirt?" Al asked looking around. "Where is Demyx! And for that matter where is Zexion!"Xemnas screamed."I can hear the sitar from down the hall. Axel muttered."And I can feel the depression entering the room..."Xigbar sighed.
As the Organization walked the halls of The World That Never Was a loud voice came booming through the halls.This is Superior!I am calling a meeting of the Organization XIII in 10 minutes!Be there!"
Lax thought for a minute Wait who were those people with the black cloaks I had seen them earlier on the PRW but they seemed to be acting odd
At that moment the Organization XIII felt a dark stirring in their hearts.They felt that them being with the good guys was ridiculous.They left them to go pursue more evil purposes.
Al searched finding his pants but not his shirt.
Al got up and turned on the lights."Where did I put my clothes?"
Lax turned to Renee."It seems your little boyfriend did not submit!"
OOC:No......everything is not okay!
Lax's sword absorbed the second Final Judgement.It was unbelievably bright."NOW YOU DIE!!!!" he screamed as he slammed his sword down on Raoxthu as the power of four Final Judgements plus some hit him."HAHAHAHAHA" Lax said laughing like Light Yagami.
The attack hit Lax's sword as it made it glow brighter."You really can't win here!" He said laughing.
Lax's sword glowed even brighter rill it was almost blinding."You're not going to survive this, if your want your woman to survive then submit to death!"