First of all happy late birthday.(it already happened so I don't have to get a present right? XD) And second have fun here.(avoid the trolls XD)
Beaten savagley to death with a frozen fish. Age 39.
That theme was waaay to bright on my computer.
It seems to be working fine for me.Check your mute buttonsand if its not that try restarting your computer.
The World That Never Was. Nuff said.
"Yeah but I can get it back!" Al said confidently."I just need to get there."
"Mistress Xenree can I have a portal there.....I know you feel it.....he has your charm..." Al said preparing for the beating she was sure to give him.
Al walked closer to Xenree."Mistress Xenree....I sense a new darkness awakening...It feels familiar..."
Al opened a portal."I'll be right back!Hang on!" He ran inside and stepped out slamming into Vanitas."!" He said pointing to the portal.
Few Questions: Everyone: Do any of you know where to get some good boots for organization 13 cosplay? Everyone:What are some funny stories of rulebreakers? (or just funny things that happened here in general) Everyone:What worlds would you like to see in KH3D?
Al felt the damge."AAGGHH!" He tried to build up the darkness around him but it would leave as soon as soon as it appeared he wondered if the extra darkness helped Xenree.
Rebecca Black looked at this skin and said "DAMN!Thats annoying!"
Al remained at Xenree's side." long as your okay."He could feel her absorbing his dark aura.Hoping to heal her he pushed his dark aura to grow.
Al grabbed Xenree holding her."Your in horrible shape!How can I help!?"
Al turned around and saw the blood on her lips."Holy crap!Are you okay!?"
XD sounds like fun
Yeah that seems to be the biggest challenge.well that and my twitchy Z finger when im platforming. *facepalms* How does the making mickey evil...
Hey you said you beat epic mickey before right?