Hmmm.... I luv the fight at "the forgotten city" ^____^ The place was so strange and beautiful<3 But the best part must've been the Kadaj-Sephy VS. Cloud battle in the end :3 "Hello...Cloud..."<3 *random fangirl noices*
My homework is not very hard, though :3 I'm just very very lazy x'3 and there's lots of it ;_; at least I have brownies! >: D *triumph!*
Hiya! : D Enjoy the forum! ^___^ Nice to meet you :3 See you around!<3
awh :0 I was too, but I just got better :'3 My little mountain of homework is growing, though ;_; as soon as I'm done with one of them, two new...
Dem-Dem and Zexy dancing Caramelldansen<3 ;_;
I'm fine :3 But thanks for the offer ^__^ I'm not even sure I'll make one yet ;P
nice :3 I haven't made a single one.. : o maybe I should :3
Yay ^^ Zexy, the pygmy EMO, and Dem-Dem, the cute whimp :3 luv them both!<3 *fangirl noices*
all of them, really :3 I'm kind of a mass-fangirl ^____^
Where's the cookies? *_*
sure, why not :)
I'm posting! : O Just joined ^^ what's up? :3
You don't speak? : D get to know her, she's great!^^
No problem : 3 I'm an Axel-fangirl, so 'course I'd join ^__^ what's up? :)
:D you have? that's great!^^ Did she like it? :3
*Gasp!* I do NOT! >:O and you know it! O_< anyways, have you lended Anges teh FF movie yet? :3
Your vampire-obsession is kind of annoying, you know <_<*
hehe ^^ Better : 3 So, how do you like it here so far?^^
Heya ^__^ I luv Dem-Dem too <3 : D welcome to the forum! : ) I'm Dandersnuff : D (don't ask...O_O) anyways, enjoy the forum^^ see you around! : D
What's up? : o Don't tell me you dunno how to answer these things? O_< huh?