That would be Lighting from FFXIII : 3 And thank you ;P
I would like some skittles, please :3
I love your avvi! : D Ishida<3 love that scene, too ^__^ 10/10! Cute eggs! : D 8/10! 6/10
heh, thanks x'D so, what's up? : 3
oh, I'm sorry :0 I didn't know :'3 JK? : o
No kidding? x'D I managed to kill the last one JUST before I ran out of time x'D Freaked me out x'3
Hey you : D That's one scary-looking smiley :'D what's up? ^_^
yeah ;_; "To honor the memory of the sweet fictional guys whom we fangirled over.R.I.P" gotta go :'0 It was nice talking to you! ^___^ See you! :3
Cookies! :0
yeah T_______________________T what about us fangirls? They have killed off so many guys that I have no tears left to cry ;_; *drama!*
You are so right! :0 It's always like that! :C Or maybe I just have the bad luck to choose the wrong guys to fangirl over ;_;
So true ^__^
There were reaction commands at the clone part? O_O ... I never noticed ;_;
I cried alot too ;_; from the very moment I realized I would actually have to fight him x'D I sat and played my PSP and sobbed x'D my friends...
I'm a Zack-fangirl T___T He had such a sweet and cheerful character!<3 And, yeah, Genesis was soo easy o_o I was like prepared for the hardest...
I luv Crisis Core! :D ;________; I beat it in the middle of the night, and I cried for over an hour at the ending T____T It's so sad..!
;____; awh, I wish I could buy one, too, but I'm saving up for a PS3 T_______T Wanna play FFXIII :3 <3 ...But it's sooo expensive...;_;*
As a loyal fangirl, I am too *_* and argh ;_; I don't have a DS TT_________TT sucks when there's a game you're really exited about, and then it...
oh yes! ^_________^ I wish you could play more as Roxas ;_; He's such a great character : D At least I'm glad Ven from BBS looks just like him...
Yeah! : O Ansem makes me so angry! >_< Especially how he calls Roxas "it" ;_;