T_______________T you... ...Don't feel like giving me one, huh?
bow-chica-bowh-voow! -*,...,*-
haha x'D Riku and Rikku x'3 But, yeah, Yuffie is a pretty good idea : D Blinddate time! >:' D buahaha!
heh, yeah ^____^ It'll be tough to find someone good enough for Riku.. ._.
Yeah, they're very alike : 3 Buuut...Axel's name is Axel. That's kind of the problem :0 Axel's somebody's name would have to be like "Ale", "eal" or "Ael" or something x'3
Yeah, poor Riku ;_; all alone. (*alone = stalked by a horde of screaming fangirls *.*) I wish I could just split Kairi in two pieces x'3
Yeah : D I loved that ending!<3 ^_____^ But I saw it the first time after I beat the game for the third time! x'D All the other times I was like...
Larxene. ;_; 'Cause I'm just that annoying! :D
Axel. I want to know who his somebody is. :3
Yeah : D He looks and sounds totally different in KH2 ^________^ I <3 his voice in KH2 x'3 *random fangirl noices*
haha^^ I didn't like Riku in KH1, tbh :0 He had scary eyes ;______; But I really liked him in KH2 ^_______^ His eyes weren't scary (and about 88%...
final fantasy, crisis core : D
Heya! : D What's up? ^_____________________^
Successssss! >: 3
Awh... : o Someone missed their yoga class this morning? ;_;
Again, you do have a point •_• btw, you don't have a PS3, right? *_*
I have healed friends with my very own hands. I think I've gotten it proven to myself that there is a God ^_^ And I'm glad I have, because otherwise my short life would feel pretty meaningless :0 I can imagine it must be harder for other people who hasn't seen anything to believe. Makes sense to me : 3 but, of course, that is just my personal opinion ^___^ <3
You have a point x)
Hey ^___^ Weelcooome to the forum! : D Follow the rules, and look out for the spamzone people. They bite *_* No need to introduce me, I guess, since we've already talked. :0 but MEH I say! : D I'm Dandersnuff, the weird fangirl ^____^ See you around!^^
You blow me away..! ;_;