wow : O I love singing<3 ^_________________________________________^ is it a big part? :3 I've never been very nervous about singing in front of...
Hey! :D Tired from school, as always x'D At least it's friday!<3 ;___; my salvation! How're you? :'3
Hello! ^^ Thanks for the welcome :3 And, yeah, this site really is great!<3 ;_;
No arguing with that ^__^ She's unique :3
sounds like fun :'D I had to paint a box and some carrots orange ._. And after explaining for the kids (which took about 5 minutes) how haard it...
hey :D What's up? :3
...if you look at the bright side...It'll be a little while before it's Monday again ;__; so, what do you do at the project week? We did "the 7...
Me: Hey you! Cleverbot: WILL YOU MARRY ME?!!!!! Me: Eh..Hm. Nah. Cleverbot: Worth a try. what do we make of this... ..Cleverbot is desperate <__<
He said my name is George ._. oh, but then it changed its mind. Now I'm Aaron <_<'
They all looks great! : D But my favorite is the one with Yuna ^___^ Beautiful colors and great pic! : D
I survived T_______T *waves unhappily*
Awh ;_; when I had project week I had to take care of 4 annoying kids by myself x'3 Was exhausted when it finally was över <_< Aaand class is...
you could say that, yeah T_T mondays are the worst ;_;
hey! : D What's up? ^^. I'm in school, posting from my Iphone x)
I love the avvi! : D pretty colors^^ 8/10 I love your siggys even more! : D 10/10 on both!^^
Beautiful! : D *applauds*
I saw that she was a girl right away :3 But I also thought Ven was a girl, too ;_; at least in that first scene, when he walks towards them x'3
I killed the chicken! ;_;
I was talking about a PS3 x'D and I am NOT addicted to cheesedoodles! ;_;
T_______________________________T gotta go. Good luck arranging the blind date x'3 Baibaii<3