awh, thank you so much! :'3
kinda depends on where you shoot them ;3 But, yeah, I see what you mean : o you have a point :3
cool beans!
oh, sorry x'3 I'll leave you to your distraction :'3 See you around!<3
Awh, thanks<3 ^________________^
huh? ._______________. I'm sorry, but my English is not the best ;_;
Sheesh, you girls <__<' It's just a veeery random clip about beans *_*
Hellooo! :3 waaazzaap? : O
Nope. Or well, if Cloud had never existed Zack wouldn't have died, of course. But it was Zack who chose to try to help Cloud out ;______; And Cloud couldn't do anything about it TT____TT
Not once in the game did I use magic or summons. Or well, I used cure <____< ehem. My point is, I always pick the most powerful one, by obvious reasons ;_ ;
It's deliiiiicious.... *_* And it's a good thing it's so expensive (well, here in Sweden it is <_<) or I would've bursted from eating ice cream looong ago ;_;
S! O! R! A! : O Buahaha :3 Of course ^_^ He's always so cheerful anyways :3
mmm, what ever would I do without them? <3 ;__;¤t=lala.jpg This pic is from last summer. I would've taken a new one, but my camera just broke ;___; This is about the only picture I have of myself ._. bleh. I look so serious and boring ;_; Anyways, this would be me. =D
And that was something completely different! : D Yum... Scrambled Pica-eggs... *___*
Haven't watched any in about eight or seven years. The first one was so sad that I didn't dare to watch the rest ;___;
I felt sorry for him : o all he really wanted was to be HIM. He ended in a very sad way.
Hey you ^_^ Welcome to KHV! : D Hope you'll enjoy it! ^_________^ See you around!<3
: o ooh, that's pretty :3 Hope everything goes well ^___^
Yeah, it's really easy, but it was pretty awkward .__________. What're you gonna sing?^^