OOC: Alright! ^^ here goes! IC: Larxene yawned. She was dressed in her valentines robe and she eyed the others with a pleased grin on her face. She folded her arms across her chest. "Hey, Mar. The place looks great! Are we great or what? But...", she sighed lightly. "it would be a mess without my efforts." She patted Marluxia on the the shoulder.
Larxene's amazing green eyes ;_; <3 green eyes *_*
Not once! >:3 (Normal mode, that is >:'3)
...dom dom dommmmm..! : O
"Poor unfortunate soul" and Oogie Boogie's song ^__________________^ <3 Luv them both so much<3 :3
I make that weird goofy sound (oooOOOOooHooohohoOOOOOO) when I step on something ;_;
Dem-Dem<3 ;_;
(am I too late or can I be Larxene? :'3]
Tell me about it! ;_; Can't wait 'til it's hot enough to go to the beach!<3 :'D seems soooo distant now.. o_o Anyways, gotta go to bed :'3...
depends on what you compare it with x'3 Right now it's about...(Right now = about midday x'D)...Maybe -4° ;___; Snow. Bleeeh. I trip all the...
heeehee x'3 We have..! : D ..er... ...Moose. ._.
*flex* oooh, yeah :D And a bald king :3
my sis is going to Berlin with her class in april! : D The one thing we swedes have to be proud over is Caramelldansen *_*
^____________________^ yay! I live in Stockholm :3 Swedish is such a weeird language o____o
I don't even know ;__; But I've heard it'll be realeased in English in october or something. If it doesn't come to Sweden, I'll jump from a...
Somewhat like a cat. Strange.
I finally finished my SO homework! TT___TT so happy..! ;_; But it's killing me that the realease of BBS is so far away T_T Can't wait to try it...
When I cry, the tears always comes from my right eye, and my left eye doesn't even get wet <__<*
yay :3 So how're you? ^_________^
Thanks! ^____^<3