meh, this is-- <__< ... heeey! My name starts with a J! :'D *runs around in confused circles of joy screaming "UNIIIITEEEEEEEEE"*
Heh^^ I'm fine, thanks :3 But school is kind stressing ;_; at least I have brownies : 3
hey! ^^ Thanks for the welcome : ) What's up? :3
Heya ^^ Thanks for the welcome :3 And, yeah, my username has that kind of effect on people ;3 See you around!^^ : D Thanks for the welcome! : 3 Heh, thanks ^^ and thanks for the welcome! : 3 Hello! ^_^ hello! : D I'm Josephine : ) Thanks for teh welcome! : D I seem cool? x'D I thought my username kind of blocked all my chances to make that kind of impression :'3 but thanks! ^_^ It was your avvi and siggy I rated, right? : D Luv them<3 See you around! ^^
Yeah, you have a point : D Like everyone in the org except Xemnas seems to have emotions ^^
Yeah, you're right^^ I was like "aawh"<3 in the beginning, but then again, after you heard it about a billion times...<_<* You just wanna beat them with something hard and pointy.
Welcome to the forum, Maddy ^______________^ I'm...Er...Dandersnuff :'3 The weird fangirl with the even weirder username ;_; Nice to meet ya! : 3 Follow the rules, be nice...And, oh! Look out for the spamzone weirdos! :D They always steal my chips ;_; Anyways, enjoy the forum :'D See you around! ^_^ <3
You kinda have a point... ._.
30 pieces:sweat:
26 x'D I could use a warm blanket, a cookie, a glass of milk and a hug ;_;
24! : O I refuse to regret my weird username! >:'3
22...T___T (so much for "Just pick a weird name that no one has! Who cares, anyways!") ;_; My, oh my, how wrong I was<3