Well I go to CtR's site, KH_Dimension, sometimes.
I was concerned for this thread for a moment based off the title. And yes, most of my friends like/have played Kingdom Hearts. Back when we started playing we had a competition to see who could finish kh1 fastest. Since then most have lost interest though.
Wake Up~ Coheed & Cambria
I became a fan in 2006. I think it was at some point after kh2 came out when I started playing kh1, but I hadn't even heard of the game previously before playing it.
Panic! at the Disco is my all time favorite band~ I usually prefer the original tracks though. But even still, the remix you posted was rather refreshing.
Haha, well I've only recently started drawing people. I much prefer working with objects and scenery, but I'm trying to expand on that a little. I still need so much practice. *3*
So far I've just been working on the anatomical position. I got this book of human anatomy for christmas and I've been using that as a reference. It's pretty helpful since it allows me to see the positioning of muscles and such. Hopefully I'll be able to move on from that soon and get to positions, but you know, begin with the basics and that whole spiel.
I've never been to one either, but there used to be a stadium near where I live where those kinds of event were held. Ironically, the stadium was demolished. That's a really cool idea to do for drawings, I'm sure your friends will love 'em. Lately I've been trying to improve my drawing of the human form. It's really hard though since I'm horrid at making everything proportional, symmetry is not on my side. :P
Like with the huge trucks smashing the tiny cars and that whole shebang? That sounds... loud. xD
I'm here. ^^ Hi, what's up?
Okay I'm back. Dx I tried to watch one of the episodes from Torchwood but it said only people from the UK could view it. D; I admit being denied like that was rather amusing, but oh well, I'll try to scrounge up an episode elsewhere. ;3;
Eh, well I saw it when it aired on TV last fall. I've tried finding season two of Heroes online but I've yet to come across it. And thanks for the link, right now I'm being kicked off the computer but I'll watch it once I get back on.
Sure, I'd love to check it out. Hopefully I wont get too confused without the first season, but that's how I watched Heroes (season 2 then season 1) and I still managed. xD
I'd have to say Xigbar. The fight was intense and his little side remarks were rather amusing.
Whoa. I just looked those two dudes up, and I must say, nice~ This show looks rather interesting. ;3
It was probably done on purpose. The kh1 intro seemed to foreshadow/mirror a few events, such as Riku holding out his hand in the waves and Riku holding out his hand in that dark portal he left the island from. Most likely they're trying to show how very connected everything is.
I was thinking the same thing. If Sora's outfit is a collaboration of all three fairies, it would make sense for there to be green on him.
Boy/Male Aliens? Sounds hot~ xD j/k That sounds really really odd. And lol, watching horrors or anything of the sort late at night would not be recommended. Though it kinda depends on how late. When there are people up and moving around I find it a little more calming. But when you're the only one awake and the house is dead quiet, that's a whole other story...
Oh man that sounds pretty intense. I can stand gore most of the time but sometimes it catches me off guard and I get all squeamish. I remember watching the remake of Halloween last year, that was a lot of blood.
Nah, I've never heard about it. Is it a TV show of sorts?