Cheerleading, I tried for that once. But that didn't really work out in my favor, lol. Mind you, I can barely do a cartwheel. xD But either way, I hope the tryouts work out for you. :3
Nothing much right now. I'm just waiting the minutes away until HOUSE is on. .-. Woot, half days rock! Though in reality it's not normally half the day taken away, I only have two hours taken off on my half days. Bah, whatever, I'll take what I can get. You're still lucky for having one. ;3; Lol, No volleyball = good thing?
<< >> Hi! =D
It's so quiet. ._.
The letters of my name are so difficult to scramble, here's a few I suppose: Nexamag Naxameg Xamange Xagmena Maxnage Meganax Gamnaex Gexmane They all sound so odd. Meh, usually when asked this I go with either of the first two. I just came up with the others a moment ago though.
Saturday Night Live and The Office.
I'm going to have to go with Destiny Island. My main reason is because it is warm and tropic looking, that would be fantastic since I'm always so cold. But besides that it would also be relatively convenient since the mainland of that world is only a row boat's trip away, therefore resources wouldn't be much of a problem.
I love when Sora suddenly shouts out "And then we can go see Santa!!!" in Halloween Town. That scene had me splitting at the sides.
My sister watched a few of that kid's videos last week, I remember catching a glimpse of this one. Very amusing indeed.
Right now I'm watching Code Geass, but these are the ones I've seen in the past: Rurouni Kenshin Azumanga Daioh Death Note Bleach Air Elfin Lied FLCL InuYasha Fullmetal Alchemist Fruits Basket School Rumble The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya There has probably been a few more, but this is all I can think of.
I prefer IMs since I can express myself better there than anywhere else. I used to talk on the phone all the time though, but I suppose that phase has passed. As for e-mails, I have one friend I keep a continuous e-mail conversation with, other than that it's pretty much dead to me.
I spend my free time on the computer. And when I'm not doing that I can usually be found reading a book, playing sudoku, or hanging at a friend's house.
Yes, I've beaten him. And I must say, getting fenrir is quite the reward.
Mickey is the one who protected Sora, Donald, and Goofy from that swarm of Nobodies right outside the train station in Twilight Town. The three were on the verge of passing out from exhaustion, but the king managed to slay the Nobodies in a heartbeat. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as strong. Plus there is all those time when you can fight as Mickey in exchange for Sora while he is reviving himself and whatnot.
Well based on costume... Normal Sora: I like his regular outfit, though his Halloween Town one comes in close second. Drive Sora: I much prefer the look of Final Form compared to his other drive outfits.
I had too much fun with this than I should have.
I don't see why not. I don't have many other video games besides those from the Kingdom Hearts series, so it's not like I have much to choose between. Plus I love the first game just as much as the second, so I usually play them in chronological order instead of picking one over the other.
I'd have to go with Sora. Riku and Mickey are good pals now, but Riku and Sora have got the history. Besides, to me it seems as if most of the struggle between light and dark Riku endured was for the protection of Sora.
I collect secrets and other such useless bits of information.
I used to work at a coffee shop until I quit. To make a long story short, the manager was a creep and the whole situation was bad for my health. :P At the moment I have no work except for occasional babysitting. I'm not in any real rush to find a job though since school still takes up a good portion of my time.