Do you use AIM?
Gah! This is new to me. And quite horrible news at that. =/ Man, I really had a thing for SOAD.
On my iTunes it says I have 29 separate genres and I really don't feel like listing them all. On my iPod: Alternative Alternative & punk Bass Blues Club Electronica Game Hard Rock Hip Hop/Rap Hip Hop J-Rock Metal Miscellaneous Pop Punk Punk Rock R&B Rock Rock/Pop Techno The majority of them are Alternative & Punk.
I don't really want to confuse video games with anime, but Kingdom Hearts definitely changed my life. Especially since it's what led me to start watching anime in the first place. Basically, all my friends have been into the whole anime/video game scene since they were children, but for unfortunate reasons I was never able to play the games or watch anime until recent years. By playing kh and watching anime I've been able to better relate with my friends and even meet new people.
I took a yoga/pilates class for a semester last year. Personally I thought it was loads of fun from. From what I remember it was a bunch of repetitive stretches and position holding. For my class we did a combination of other exercise elements as well, such as dance aerobics, karate, and tai chi. Pilates workouts usually are difficult, but as long as you're in the right mind-set the class shouldn't be a problem.
Meagan. Yes, it's a nice name.
Your Panic! sig is rad, yes? On a scale of 1-10, how stoked are you for their upcoming CD?
Oh man, I'm so glad they released pictures of the entire family. They look so snazzy! Agree, Alice's actress looks perfect~ I was actually concerned about Edward's actor being Robert Pattinson, but he seems to be shaping up.
I'm relatively new to Daft Punk as band itself, but I've loved their songs for a while now. 'Around The World' and 'One More Time' are the earlier songs I remember listening to and liking. Those have led me to recognizing the band and some of my favorite songs such as 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' and 'Technologic.'
Wow, I just looked him up. He was in Across the Universe, that movie is so good! Haha, I thought his part was great. xD Oh yes that's one is amazing. I was first introduced with The BK Lounge.
Wait... as in: He looks like a better woman than most women? Or: He can pull off wearing make-up better than most women? ._.
So who is this Tranny? Personally, Cathy Griffin is my favorite comedian.
*Runs back* Oh man, I love Dane Cook! ;3;
o.o *Runs off*
Oh no! *Throws snowball in your direction* <<
Oh snow~ I love the snow but hate the cold, quite the dilemma if you ask me. -.- But right now it snowing outside so I'm happy about that. Anywho, hi family! :3
I went to my first con, ConnectiCon, last year. I also plan on attending this year's as well. From my experience I say they're loads of fun. So many interesting cosplayers to interact with and merchandise to purchase. You're sure to have a blast.
Little Razor Blade ~ The Pink Spiders
My happiest moment was striking the final blow to Sephiroth.
Nine In The Afternoon ~ Panic! At The Disco <3