Damn man. Sorry to hear that. We have those days. Life is like an elevator. It has its' ups and downs. Don't fret though. These things will work themselves out. I will be praying for you and your sister.
Oh lol I see. I would be doing the same thing......because I'm a troll like that. Awesome. Isn't it a good work?
Nice. I heard of that movie. I heard it was alright.
Card games. Black Jack and 7's mostly. Really? Hmm.
Just did some gambling with the family I think you'll like this one to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LViKTopbZ4w&feature=relmfu
Aww that's ok.
*smiles* Warmed up?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_917030&src_vid=K4QYYD8r8sA&v=42pPIJmhnu4 Hey man, sup?
Well, does it bother you Droid?
Ah ok........Still didn't hear about it.
Not heard of.
What u see?
I understand that. lol
SO, what's up?
Yeah. Bro with me right now.
Nah your good.
Love you to <3
What happened?
I agree. Very cute indeed.
Ohhhhhh sheeeeet................