Surprisingly not much. Then again, not much a social guy there anyway. "friendly drama" you say? Elaboration? And I would join you on that nap thing. That sounds nice.
*inset Jackie Chan in tuxedo here* Just finished 2 tests in college today.....kinda exhausted. How about yourself?
Oh nice. Good luck with that. That must be the mission.
Same basic concept though.
Great pic. And you I care about all my friends on here man.
That's cool. I'm glad you had a good day.
I think what you meant was: If you watch Godzilla backwards, its' about a giant lizard that fixes buildings with his tail and claws, then goes into the ocean and becomes a normal lizard.
There she goes........There she goes again......
Well it could have been a ghost ship. That way the whole "dead" thing would kinda work.
I guess his got boring.
More or less. I can tell he has a lot of stuff to deal with.
Would be if Droid were still around.
Ummmm what?
Thus, for the "x" amount of hours you slept, you were playing god.
Yes posts. She said rep though.
One of the reasons I do not have/use a Facebook.
I know you want to keep them all, but you gotta make some space lol
How does rep = Pink?