Bible= Jesus. God= Jesus. And the people who do what this town did are just not sure what they're supposed to do, which is what Jesus did.
But I'm still going to ask my pastor tomorrow.
Oh, here we go.
Grr. This isn't over. I am not blind, and I am going to ask my pastor tomorrow morning why God was okay with this. yes, times were different, but...
It frustrates me too. Just probably for diff reasons. But I totally argree with "If we didn't pay so much mind to orientation and just saw people as people."
Yeah, I gotcha. And it was (unfortunately) the common practice, and for the record, I find it disgusting. I think it was just so they'd have male...
Well, I don't consider it baseless. Agree to disagree?
Look, I understand what you meant on the Gay Marriage thread. But just because it was the common practice in those times to take more than one...
I said no one take offense, and I meant it. Sorry. And I know what the bible says. Probably better than you. Back then, it was the common practice. It doesn't mean the bible condones it.
May I join the Christians of KH-Vids group?
Thanks for the Rep!
It is really sad, though, that the Church can't seem to find a middle ground on this subject. Unfortunately too many churches take this stance, when the Bible calls us to love EVERYONE.
No, no. I merely meant they need teachers and parents backing them up, not just ignoring it. :) That's all.
I hope there's a lot more. Both Nami and Kairi are such wimps in the games, it's nice to see them kick butt for a change.
Don't know yet. Probably a wallpaper or sig.
What??? I didn't mean to offend anyone. I just mean they don't need all the insults and stuff, and they need teacher's help and stuff to make it stop.
Sorry, I sometimes have a slightly dirty mind. Heh. But that is so cool. I hope the maker does more.
Dude. I think we just found recordings of Sora's secret fantasies.
Oh. Yeah, I think I'd have to watch it to get it. cuz it's not making much sense right now.
Woah, they look like vampires a bit. She has to strip? Why?