:P She's a kick-a fighter. I'm hoping she comes back in future games.
Nah, it's fine. :) As long as I don't get Noroz the Crow (not sure he even signed up) I should be fine.
Yes, if you don't mind I'd rather not. Not that I'm not strong in my convictions, it's just... I end up alienating people I might otherwise be...
I signed up as a single, so I guess they'll generate a guy for me. *shivers* I need to go check the thread to see what other single guys signed up.
Still. She's like the only KH girl that doesn't take crap from ANYONE and can actually make good on her threats, and make it extremely painful.
Too late then, the signups ended last week. :/ I signed up, but IDK who I'm going with yet. Did you want to go? Yeah, all those groups were fairly...
Yeah, but when you can't tell what point they're trying to get across.... XD. One of my friends got a poster and had them autograph it after the...
Yes, Where I Belong is amazing, heard it at the same time as Skillet- my youth group went to a Winterjam concert a few months ago. :) Yeah, hard...
Hi, welcome to KH-Vids. :)
Basically site-jumping, and attempting to start a friendly conversation with Kam Sage. I don't think it's working. Skillet? I just heard them for...
Afternoon. :) Whatcha doing?
Actually, when I'm not discussing something serious, I'm very friendly. And, I don't know, it just seemed like something to ask a person when you...
Hey. :) What're you up to?
He is EPIC! I can't wait for the release of DDD. Course, won't be getting it, but watching playthroughs online is just as entertaining. :)
She's a beyotch, right?
What I don't get is why nearly everyone hates Larxene. She's awesome.
Oh, no, I don't think you have. XD I know now, though. Roxas, then Axel, then Xion, then Riku, then Larxene. Not in that order, necessarily.
XD The Deep Dive vid is one of my faves. Specially Roxas. XD I'm such a fangirl.
Anyway, on another hopefully happier subject,.... That thread you started is quite entertaining. It's funny how old avatars can be so bad... :) I...
How did you do your avatar? EDIT: Profile pic, I mean.