Christopher Lee is completely, utterly amazing. Most KH voice actors are, but I don't know how they managed to nail all of the antagonist's voices- wait, would DiZ be considered an antagonist?
Pretty good. :) Right now I'm eating lemonade girl scout cookies, and they are amazing. :D
I won't. Hehe. :D
Oh, it is. It ends kinda sad though.
Yeah, that is a good thing. :) I'm about to go watch the movie True Grit.
Lucky! I'd give anything to go on a small weekend trip. Where'd you guys go?
It's not that I don't think you can handle it, I just don't like being mean to people. And I didn't say it was crappy, it just needs some work. Practice makes perfect, after all.
Poor you. But honestly, at the price those things cost, no one's gonna have a spare. Sorry.
It's not bad, but it's a bit... odd to me. The colors don't exactly complement each other, and it kinda looks like you just plopped the render on the background and did a little bit of shading behind it. <Is trying to put this in a nice way.
Why not? And answer what?
You can feel it through every inch of your body, they're so loud. Which, of course, is the point. What is rock music without that? Plus, here, they did the most amazing pyro onstage. :p
Not sleeping makes me easily irritable. I'll take disgust if it means I get my sleep.
Old, and amazing! I got to hear it live at Winterjam, and I'm completely in love.
Soon as I find a guy I think is worth my time, but since I haven't found him yet, I'm posting here. WOOT WOOT! Break out the chocolate and chick flicks.
So, what are you up to this fine Saturday? Sleeping again? :p
I wasn't familiar with the band names, that's all, and I wasn't sure. I've been getting into it more and more lately, and I'm finding so many good artists. :)
:) Go Belle and Adam!
Beg pardon, but are those even Christian songs?
I honestly don't have one. I love them all! Mostly the ones like Beauty and the Beast and Tangled, though. And Snow White. I'm a sucker for a good...
Indeed it was. :D I love Disney movies.