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  1. HeartofFire
  2. HeartofFire
  3. HeartofFire
    I may pop in and out, hope that's all right with you guys. But I will make an appearance! However, I don't think my partner will. I believe he's in a far different time zone.
    Post by: HeartofFire, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. HeartofFire
  5. HeartofFire
    Profile Post

    I love your new sig.

    I love your new sig.
    Profile Post by HeartofFire for Daxa~, Feb 14, 2012
  6. HeartofFire
  7. HeartofFire
    Aw, thanks! :)

    You must have an insanely hi res monitor, as I cannot see that watermark at all. But thank you for telling me. And, thanks for the critique, I will use it to hopefully improve my future work. :)
    Post by: HeartofFire, Feb 14, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. HeartofFire
  9. HeartofFire
  10. HeartofFire
  11. HeartofFire
  12. HeartofFire
  13. HeartofFire
  14. HeartofFire
    I decided it was time for a new signature and avvy. I had just completed a render of my Yu-Gi-Oh! OC Raven. This was born. My avvy is her render, btw. Crit? No flames, please. And just on the sig, I know the avvy's not all that great.
    Thread by: HeartofFire, Feb 13, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. HeartofFire
  16. HeartofFire
  17. HeartofFire
    Yeah, I wasn't sure. I mean, no one really likes him for the stuff he did, but i didn't know if that made him an antagonist or a villain. Thanks for answering my question.
    Post by: HeartofFire, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. HeartofFire
  19. HeartofFire
    Yeah, me too. Go Spock! *does that Vulcan hand thing with the V*
    Post by: HeartofFire, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. HeartofFire