Yeah, sure, send it to me. :) Oh, Dead Fantasy? Yeah, I've heard of it. Namine looks kick-a in your sig.
Larxene. She's a total beyotch most of the time, but she kicks butt, and doesn't really listen to anyone else.
Who's DF? And it's cute, I love how you did their eyes.
Woah, who made your sig? It looks so cool!
Working on a Master Eraqus MMD Model. :) He's almost done.
Just a matter of selfcontrol, I guess. Anyway. Other than sleeping in, what're you up to?
Thank you! Yeah, this is the first one I've done completely in profile. I need to work on that. And.. what do you mean by blunt shading?
And I need to learn not to.
Yeah, I meant the gay marriage one. And the Polygamy one. And the Sexual Preference one. ><' I need to stay away from those.
A piece I did for deviantART of my OC and MihaChan's OC Rianneh. Comments? Crit? No flames, if you please. And the title's a reference to the fact they're both from Radiant Garden.
The gay love type threads. That particular subject is very very touchy for me, and I need to stay away from those. Sorry if I'm boring you or...
I like it. It includes all the shades of colors of the render in a way that isn't blinding. I also like how the render is echoed in black and white in the background, and all the disco (that's what they look like to me anyway) lights all around. All in all, I really, really like it. :)
Learning how to stay away from certain threads.
Hehe, yeah, that works. :)
Is there supposed to be a video there? I can't see it.
Brilliant? Me? No way. I can't seem to keep my mouth shut when it comes to certain things, I'm not brilliant.
Not sure how much my opinion is worth here, but I feel like I need to say something for some reason. But, please don't take offense to anything I say. I don't believe in it. Period. Marriage is for one man and one woman. The Bible says that multiple times. *gets off soapbox* Sorry, just needed to say that.