ur so fu:censor2:en ignorent! u r to stubborn to understand the word THEORY! i never said that im right and thats how the game is going to be! its just what i think the game is gonna be like! so stop trying to prove me wrong cause ur just making urself look like a ****** trying to say that im wrong because i never said i was! ok guys please tell me this and be honest. who do u guys think is making more sense in their theory me or antiweapon. i want the honest truth and im not gonna hate u if u think hes making more sense because its his thoery and it might sound good to someone im thinking something like that happened too! it is no coincidence that they look the same. theres gotta be somthing that maid ven become part of sora and then become roxas.
u are absolutly 100% right! we need to talk to khkid to get a code like that. or maybe i can talk to evil and see if he'll help wit this but im not gonna ask him to join the team because he refuses to do it ok we have discussed the team name (barly) but we need one so all in favor of Kingdom Hacks then post yes or no and if no then we gotta find a better name
why does peoples name turn different colors? is it based on posts,rep,or what?
wow! dude how could u not know how to hack? u know to much for someone who doesnt know how to hack. u amaze me dude:) u know i thought (when i first joined this site) that u were done with collage and maybe in ur 30ies.anyway do u have any suggestions for the riku project?or how about any new codes that ur working on?or are u even gonna work on any new codes? ooooooooooooook? that was totaly random LOL did u need the fenrir keyblade code or where u just stating that its the strongest keyblade?
alright kh220 is gona try to get a full party in the final battle by using these 2 codes: 1.play as master form sora 2.master form with normal command menu i hope u come back with good results =) oh and what does the normal command menu code do? when i use it the command menu is still the same hey i think ur on to something! maybe if we can make a code to have the character ur playing as have there hp/mp bar inthe team slot
hey did u ever test the second roxas code i gave u?
ill proably know what to do but i might not know it (u never know). ill let u know if i have a problem that i cant fix.thanx:)
ya but but who said that he ISNT his nobody.just think roxas is with out a doubt soras nobody and we know xehnort did somthing to ven when he froze him and its not a cowincidence that roxas and ven look the same.so maybe roxas use to be his own person. just remember this is MY theory idc if u guys think its stupid so im sticking with it until it is all revealed ok first off what does yen sid giving sora the star seeker have to do with anything? or if yen sid gave it to mickey until he completed his mission of finding the dark realmes keyblade? second how can u be soooooo sure that xigbar is not the dark knight. u dont know that and its just a theory but ur taking it as if that nothing i say can be possible. and u thinking his human form can be in the game.....yes it can be but it makes sense if he was the dark knight.and what xigbar said to sora could have been a hint so u cant just say its not important because that has come up in interviews and theories. third the keychain thing is something unusual because mickey and xehonort have keychains and nobody else does. how could u think that its just something they choose not to use? u seriously need to think of the hints we have from final mix and from interviews/information because u dont even have facts to back u up about what ur talking about:yelling:
whats up with big letters?LOL yea that sounds great:) its about time u came back! well ive been testing things and i have no results to share cause they all suck. and no one thinks this projects gonna work just because they find it acouple pages back so what if its not on the first page! ok we need to test ALL of rikus digits and mix and match it with the t-stance riku because thats the closest we have to play as riku..............................so mabe we can find digits that fix t-stances in a code .what i mean is............ like find digits that will fix a code that lets u play as t-stance riku not a t-stance code that fixes a t-stance everytime u t-stance sry i think i worded this wrong..........well if u dont get it just tell me and ill try to reword it.
doubt it because we mentioned this thread at the kh2 code thread and people that search the spam zone see it but they just dont want to help
COOL! but i made the iso custom made to fit psp.thats what i do when i make isos. in other words i hack the data base of the game causing it to be tricked into thinking like a umd disk and the subtitles get changed into psp format which unables the psp to play the iso i made
alright my kingdomhearts2.iso is finished. now instead of trying to find that iso loader (to much work to do and dont have the time) im gonna talk to my friend who is gonna buy a psp and i told him to buy one with the new 3.52 custom firmware.he looked into it and placed a bid. he'll see if he gets the highest bid in week.so if he gets that psp (crossing fingures) then he said it's alright for me drag the iso into his psp to see if it works. but this sounds way too simple. if anyone could make an iso of a ps2 game and drag it to their psp then it worked they would've figured it out alooooooooooooong time ago.well maybe no one thought of it. i just hope it works
sure:) i should be home in about another hour well i g2g bye!
sry im not at my house i could get it for u when i get home
probably not.it'll probably freeze or it just flat out wont work
u'll probably be able to play as her cause they said that there are 3 characters u can play as and one is terra,next is probablt ven (99% chance for him to be playable),and aqua because theres no one else that has been seen except for xehnort and the dark knight but those are main villains. and i doubt very much u can play as mickey or maybe u will when ur playing as ven and u die mickey might come to the rescue until u can revive ven.who knows
oh the code that will always let u be master form no matter what.still wont work cause hitting revert will just make u invincible:( sry
who cares if it gets popular or not we made this thread to find the riku code not to see how popular it'll get. (im not trying to sound snotty btw. im just saying..........just please dont get mad) i guess ultima-sora isnt coming back:nono:
sry it wont work cause before the final battle u will atomatically be set back to normal sora and if u use the drive w/o supporting characters code u can get back into the drive ..............but when the battle starts only:( good theory though:)
well they could be mickeys apprentices but u gotta think out side the box:) what i mean is in one of the pics of bbs where terra is in the desert with xeanort terra called him MASTER xeanort so maybe terra use to be his apprentice just came up with a good theory maybe terra,aqua,ven,mickey,and dark knight were all aprentices of xehnort and they all worked together to create a weapon that can bring peace and called it a keyblade then xehnort became over welmed with its power and became a villian and took the dark knight as his apprentice while mickey became a king and made terra,aqua,and ven his own apprentices.and thats how it all began. i also think that the dark knight is xigbar because he told sora u are the weakest of all the ones before u meaning he defeated all keyblade masters before him and the dark knight defeated all of them so it could have been xigbar in the past good theory but it doesnt make sense cause if ven fell asleep he wouldnt wake up and be soras nobody then take the name roxas no because in the gameplay pics his keyblade doesnt have a keychain same thing in the cutscene pics he still doesnt have a keychain.and in the fm video xehnort had a keychain on his keyblade so why not include terra and the others with one