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  1. DjC
    here u go:

    Roxas wields Way to the Dawn
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 2401000E
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0023
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400

    AR MAX
    Roxas wields Way to the Dawn
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. DjC
    correct it works everyware =)

    EDIT: i tried the raw sora/roxas alone code and it didnt work. could someone give me another one.thanx
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. DjC
    oh ok i was just wondering:)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. DjC
    alright the music mods works! it gives u tiwilight town music in every area that does not have enimies and areas with enimies give u tiwilight town battle music.and gives u twilight town normal music at the world map when flying around in the gummie ship. and in boss battles it gives u the normal twilight town music,and it makes ur footsteps sound heavier
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. DjC
    alright im gonna go test it.

    but im gonna get offline while i do it so u stay online and ill log in as soon as i test the code and give u results. so just stay online till i get

    EDIT:okay u just randomly got offline?

    well i just give the results to him later i guess
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. DjC
    i reed every page i miss so i know what ur talking about.

    and im gonna post it in raw for no reason:

    10354E9C 00000076
    10354EAC 00000077
    10354E98 00000076
    10354EA8 00000077

    and one more question.what do u want the outcome of the code to do? or in other words what music will be playing?that is if the code works
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. DjC
    first off what does it do? and ya ill do it let me go convert it and ill let u know what happened
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. DjC
    didn't u already say this alon time ago O__o?
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. DjC
    riku lol just kiding

    u should fix the right hand weapon mod that erkz never fixed
    we'll see if this keeps up then im gonna pm u
    cut it out? i just said one thing about the final mix and he goes crazy

    on topic- has anyone made a heartless in ur party code? if there isnt one then i have to say something about it
    what i meant by following is he keeps quoteing my posts and trying to prove me wrong.....he could be right......but he could also be wrong

    ok im done.if he just says something else ill pm him instead of here
    i have one that works.did u still want it?
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. DjC
    well lets not just call them chasers yet cause it might not be true......but it is a very LIKELY theory:)

    if they became one it will just create the person the three enemies use to be LOL

    and i think that those things are proto type heartless. u guys r probably saying "what thats the most stupidest theory i've heard about the new enimies" but they look just like heartless and master xehonort was also trying to study the heart and found out about the darkness in a persons heart and discovered kingdom hearts and thats why he looked excited when he summened kingdom hearts in the kh2 fm secret vid

    but remember this is just a theory so dont go crazy if u think im wrong
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. DjC
    heres the link and u have to scroll down the page because theres more than one interview so scroll down until u see kingdom hearts 2 final mix + in europe?

    see i told u guys im not a lier! next time trust me when i say im not lieing cause im not like that
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. DjC
    good theory only one fact u messed up. sora is not five in bbs hes 4 because the events of terra and co happened 10 years befor kh1 and in kh1 sora was 14.but other than that good theory:)
    that proff is not far out there! omg u dont even have a theory to share and people said that my theory is a good one and makes sense.ur the only one who keeps on starting stuff with me
    hey dude:) does my theory seem far out there? and do u know if i could get a mod to do somthing about antiweapon?or could u tell him to stop actting all that at ur thread?thanx
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. DjC
    cracked what?

    dont worry ill give u rep u diserved it from the start =)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. DjC
    well that could be but i think we should focuss on my question: What happened after master xehnort opened kingdom hearts and what did mickey do? since mickey appeared after kingdom hearts was opened
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. DjC
    yes thats y i think xigbar is the dark knight! in kh2 xibar implied that he had defeated the ones before him and the d.k. defeated terra and the others. but antiweapon said that my theory is so far out there and doesn't make any sense at all. Do u guys think the same as antiweapon? is it really far out there? =(
    Post by: DjC, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. DjC
    hey i never thought about that! thats a real good piont u made there

    well done:) (adds to ur rep)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. DjC
    thanx i appreciate ur support:)
    im pretty sure u'll be playing as her so dont worry:)
    i think u'll get to choose who u want to be at the beging of the game and lets say u pick aqua u'll play her side of what happened in the story then u make another file and u choose ven then u play his side of what happened in the story.that sounds more resonable to me :)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. DjC
    y would i make this up..........dude i aint like that
    i cant believe u guys dont believe me:( y would i lie about something so serious

    well do u guys want me to post a link to the site? cause ill do it just to prove im not a lier and clear my good name :)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. DjC
    ya xigbar might be him but according to antiweapon my theory is stupid and xigbar cant be the d.k.

    LOL wouldnt that be screwed up if axel was terra's nobody

    but thats not what i think. i just thought that it was funny if it were true. LOL!
    Post by: DjC, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. DjC
    ya here:

    F = Friend
    SEM = Square Enix Marketing Manager

    F: Hi. I have to ask this on behalf of all the Kingdom Hearts fanboys in Europe. Can you PLEASE bring Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ to Europe?

    SEM: *Laughs* We have big plans for the Kingdom Hearts series this year globally. It has become a big series for us.

    F: But will Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ hit Europe?

    SEM: I think it’s safe to say you will be pleasantly surprised around the end of the year. *grins*

    F: What is the future of Kingdom Hearts like?

    SEM: Well Kingdom Hearts III is going to be released on PS3 and we will see what we can do with that.

    F: What about a Kingdom Hearts movie? Advent Children was sick!

    SEM: Well you never know - We are good at CGI aren’t we? *grins*

    F: Will we see another Kingdom Hearts game on a Nintendo platform?

    SEM: Well like I said, there will be big Kingdom Hearts related announcements made this year. Please look forward to it.

    F: Will Kingdom Hearts III be a new trilogy with new characters?

    SEM: Can’t answer.

    well there u have it! it also confirmed kh3 will be on ps3. but the whole perpose of me posting this is because the friend asked:But will Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ hit Europe?

    and sem replied:I think it’s safe to say you will be pleasantly surprised around the end of the year. *grins*

    see we might get final mix out side of japan and kh3 was confirmed to be on ps3:)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX