Hmm...My real name is Ashes so.... What's a good name for Ashes all scrambled up with an x? Asshex. Hexass. Haha. My name can have ass. [/childishness]
When you finish with your works, do you take requests for art? Cause I have a request.
Oh wow. This helps so much. I will put it to use on that 'Infidelity' (Larxene/Vexen/Zexion) piece I was working on, and all future coloured pieces. Haha. You're brilliant. Thanks a ton.
Oh yeah I used to have Terragen. It sems a nice program, but I don't know how i would work for making 3D landscapes for games much, especially MMORPGs where the polygon count has to be taken into consideration. Nice job on the video. You need to definately do a few tutorials on colouring anddrawing: specifically for hair. I also want to know the mthod for changing the colour on lineart to match the colours of the objects it surrounds: as in you make a dark blue line for a blue shirt, etc. I usually keep my lineart all black because I don't know how to change it. Also, a nice tutorial on line and colour layers and how to make the layers so the colouring ines up nicely without bleeding over would be awesome. I know how to do it somewhat, but I'm sure there are better ways out there.
Is this ANY different at all from the Gamecube version as far as features goes or is it the same excep with chat and a city part? Does it have Chuck on it? <3 He was my self-proclaimed boyfriend of the AC world. I always wrote him letters and sent him shirts. Haha.
I love the way you draw clothing. Nice colouring job too.
Oh my god! I love this. This style is awesome, it is like almost chibi but yet not. Please draw more.
The second one is my favourite, but they all look nice to me! Keep it up.
Thanks. I know they have to be awesome. Your art rocks. YouTube is always annoying when I try to upload videos. We have a new channel for the game company and I'm having to have one of the guys manage it mostly with the uploading because my internet is always a pain when it comes to uploads or downloads. Thankfully, they are pros with Sony Vegas Pro 8 so we can get some sweet video editing going on. Haha. I'm learning Sony Vegas myself, because we have little study groups on the main EkIchi forums for us to help each other learn. I started a 3D model and animation group, too...because I'm wanting to learn 3DS Max. I'll most likely be placing some photoshop tutorials in there since that is a program I'm pretty comfortable with. Especially with mouse line-arts.
Colouring looks great! I faved and rated.
I've seen Demyx fight and he kicks some majour tail. So...Demyx it is for me. I also like Zexion and Vexen because I love them. I just think Demyx fights better than them.
Hello other people who have said hello. And people always think I am british as well...because of my voice and how I pronounce my words.
Haha. Nope. I live in America. My game dev team has people from Austrailia to England to Germany to....everywhere, though. Hahaha. We even have a person who is moral support and he lives in Slovenia. I guess you could say I have friends all around the world. I know what you mean by doing art for emotions. That is why I do my singing and writing, and some art as well, though more frequently I am doing request and gift art.
I say go for it. If that is only two months worth of expeience you are doing supremely well in the area. Do you also do custom lettering or logos? In graphix design classes you'll most probably be going through some logo designs and also putting together brochures with custom graphix you make yourself. Its much fun, actually. I'm nowhere near the best. I work better in the field of freestyle drawing than commercial arts(what I have a degree in). If you do freestyle letteing and logo design, I'd like to see some of your work. I also have a nice contest running for logo competition for my game dev team, if you want to join in with the others who are participating. I also need some logos done for specifick games I am making, so if you ever want to collab with me, just say the word. I think it'd be some nice experience and you can give me as a reference for college applications and whatnot. I' be glad to put in a good word for you regaurdless.
Oh wow. That critique was...harsh. I actually like the signature, and I am a graphic designer by college degree. Either my teachers taught me wrong or that guy has no effing clue how to judge graphix, or he's just trying to be lolwhut funny. Probably a mix of the last two, I will assume.
"I'm a scientist. Experiments are what I do....yes." - Vexen "Hmph. Well here we go again." - Larxene
Mine: Lyricks Shadow's dream of truth and false. You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of fate. Naze eranda watashi wo kono sekai ni This stage is just like illusions you made. Naze koroshita tozasareta kono sekai de Lonely night, I hold a ceremony of darkness. Changing mind is an omen of tragedy. You are all mine. Kage no tawamure mayonaka no tousaku Shinku ni somatta anata wo dakishime kono te de... Cut off the whole things. Nagareru chi ni Set your reason free. Kuchizukeshite Follow instincts. Shadow's dream of truth and false. Butai no tsuzuki wo misete Aozameta karada wo aishi tsuzuke... Such a thought inspires me. You were selected to be on this stage by a stroke of fate. Naze enatta watashi no kono sekai wo This stage is just like illusions you made. Naze kieyuku sourei na kono sekai de Kyouki no tawamure mayonaka no kousaku Tsukiyoru ni yurasare anata to kono mama toke ai... Yoru no hate made Shadow's dream of truth and false. Butai no tsuzuki wo misete Aozameta karada wo aishi tsuzukete touwa ni Shadow's dream of truth and false. Kikai jikake no kokoro Aozameta karada ni tsumi no hakashi wo hizami Shadow's dream of truth and false.
When I first tested the game out, I always picked the shield. Haven't played it since that first test out. Years ago.
I never liked his voice either way: old, new, japanese, or english. So it really never bothered me, though I could also notice the difference.
I don't like spikey hair much. Some people can pull it off well - Like Decus/Michael from Star Ocean. I like pure flowing hair that looks smoothe and silky though I usually don't care for too long of hair on men, but not poofed out and crazy looking hair please. I don't play Kingdom Hearts so I'm not sure who is in what game from the series, so I don't know many characters, but I will judge on who I do know most. I love Vexen's hair, because well...its Vexen, and I adore Vexen. And Zexion's. Mainly just Vexen's though. Its gorgeous. I like the colour of Zexion's hair more than Vexen's though. I've never really been a fan of blonde or lighter coloured hairs. I like dark, sleek colours: mostly deep purples or blacks and blue-blacks. I wish Vexen's hair was a bit shorter. Worst hairs would have to be Marluxia or Axel's. I despise pink, I hate poofy. I like red hair on some people, but not Axel. The colour of his skin and the red hair clash into a big potatoemess, and Axel isn't very attractive as a male to begin with. The style is a bit boring as well seeing as so many characters have hair similar to that especially on RPGs these days. It gets annoying. They need to take a brush to it. Haha.