I'm in experimenting mode...this one was to experiment with making/shading hair via burn and dodge tool without the use of a second colour. I'm actually very happy with the result of it. It makes the hair look full of detail. Haha. Don't mind the rest of the poor sketch. I was only focusing on hair this time, so I know the rest isn't so great.
Yeah just a quick one. Mainly testing out how to colour the lineart, since Sai showed me how to do so. I like being able to colour and blur my lines now. Haha. I'll be doing it more often on my lined pieces.
Well I can colour my linearts now thanks to Sai. Just doodling around testing that technique out. Haha.
Doodling around testing out a lineart technique.
My contacts: YIM: terrorofdeath8[at]yahoo.com MSN: terrorofdeath8[at]hotmail.com E-mail: cubia[at]epitaphttc.com Google: cubia[at]epitaphttc.hstorm.net I have alot more, but those are my main ones.
For those who don't know about our game dev team's musick: Star Ocean: Fallen Angels Main Theme Star Ocean: Fallen Angels 'This Way Cometh' Star Ocean: Fallen Angels 'Farseli The Dexterous' WIP More uploading. I have musick for games of ours other than SO:FA tracks as well, and by various composers, so I'll be getting those up soon. Feel free to rate/comment.
Woohoo! Uploading more musick to my youtube from EkIchi Games. Trying to upload as much as possible while I get to use the good connection. Haha. Then its back to home, which I hate, and bad internet connections, which I also hate. Sigh. I have more moneys now. I got 50$ for my birthday from my Grandma. But even more surprising is that the dude I like that said he didn't like me kissed me last night and threw me all into shock. He's unpredictable. Haha. Vexen for the wins!
New song from EkIchi Games. Game: Star Ocean - Fallen Angels Track Title: 'This Way Cometh' Enjoy. Feel free to rate/comment.
Hmmm, Christmas is okay. I like the fact that it is religious and that I get to buy things for people. Haha. Halloween is by far my favourite holiday though. Around Christmas, people go too crazy and lots of bad things tend to happen when crowds get out of hand. The stores are usually packed out and its rather annoying. Plus I hate Christmas decorating. Its usually ugly, in my opinion, with Christmas lights and all. I like dark things, pumpkins, spiderwebs, ghouls ad goblins, the like. Very beautiful.
Never seen it. But I'd like to be a sssssnake!
Ooh sweet! I used to be leader of a church band when I lived in Alabama. Was the lead singer for the Youth Band. <3 It was so much fun! Sounds like you have quite a day tommorrow. You better get some rest before my motherly instincts kick in and I appear at your house and tuck you in myself. Haha. I have horrible motherly urges sometimes...Sometimes I act more like a mother than like a friend to my friends.
Hello everone! I made it down here. Haha. Now I'm loking over some good art tutorials while relaxing on my grandma's couch. Church tommorrow! Yay!
Thanks! I need to go get ready. I'm going to go to my grandmas for the weekend wher ethere is much better net connection and whatnot, plus going to go check out some game design books and read up on things like 3D animation and some programming for myself, since I also want to learn. I'll be back on later tonight. <3 Bye family.
Yeah. I'm trying to put together a mature long-term team. Alot of guys you know...join, put in some effort, then when it comes time to really crack down and work, they bail. Haha. Alot of guys have stayed though so its really nice to have some dedcated team members. Spriters are always welcome. I'm trying to gether up a few more myself, so the workload isn't too heavy on the ones we have now.
Aye. But that is helping my dreams come to life. Also, if you ever need a job in the game industry and find out you think its great fun, once we build up enough to start pulling in some money from sales of merchandise and whatnot and become a profiting company, you'll auto-have a spot if you'd like to on the team big time.
I subscribed you Sai for 3 months. I didn't have enough for 12 months in paypal, but when I transfer some funds, I'll be sure to renew it for you. Also, made a EkIchi Games company account on DA to do so: http://ekichigames.deviantart.com/
Nothing right now. I did work as a receptionist for a dentist before and still have some money left over, plus my birthday money. Haha. I'm an aspiring game designer, and run my own independent game company. That's what I plan to eventually make my career once we get some games out there to show we're serious. Sai: I'll create a DA account and subscribe you ASAP. I think I have enough in my company paypal at the moment already to do so, but if not I'll transfer from my bank to paypal and subscribe you (don't know how long fund transfers take).
Yeah. Sai helps me with one of my company's games so I'm helping get the DA subscription renewed. It's the least I can do. Haha.
Mhm. I can do that for sure. How do I go about doing it though? Do I need a DA account to subscribe you? Do I send a check or pay by paypal or what? I can upload some funds to paypal to cover it for sure.
Working on games, fixing up my game forums, finding out how much DA subscription costs.