"Pleased to meet you." Namine smiled brightly, then groaned. "Oh man...I was supposed to go get my cell phone! Kairi probably thinks I ditched her!"
"Hmm...I doubt the people in the office would believe that. Then again...the people in the office didn't know we were fake fighting either. And that Nami stole a bunch of flashlights from them."
"Somehow, I don't think this school will freak that much over one window. Besides, if worst comes to worst, just blame it on someone else." She grinned brightly.
"...yup." Alyce replied with a faint grin. "What was so drastic that you had to jump out a three story window?"
"No clue. I've been locked in a basement for the past half hour or so." Alyce replied casually as if she got locked in a basement every day. She realized sheepishly that she probably looked like a dork with her pants rolled up to her knees and with her faded Mickey Mouse tank top on.
Alyce noticed Jake run right past her. "If you're looking for me, you're going the wrong way, Sleeping Beauty." She took in his appearance, noticing blood. "What happened to you?"
The door to the basement slid open and Alyce gave a sigh of relief, slumping against the wall for a minute to relax. "And now, to find the others..." she muttered, getting up.
Alyce grinned. "Aha!" After going through all her stuff, she'd found a hairpin. This is going to take a while... She sighed and began fiddling with the door. If this breaks, I'm screwed.
Alyce sighed as she quickly fiddled with the door again. Luckily, she'd remembered to wear a tank top underneath her sweater; otherwise she would've probably have been more winded. "Come on..." she muttered as she looked through her bag for something to pick the lock with.
No one here. Alyce frowned as she fiddled with the basement door. Oh man...it's locked? Alyce sighed and sat down, rolling up her pant legs a little bit. Not only is it locked, but it's boiling in here. Joy. At least everyone else is probably having more fun than me.
Namine smiled faintly. "I never got your name..."
"I've met a lot of weird people; I'm used to weirdness." Namine replied calmly. "How long have you been watching me for?"
Alyce sighed. She'd found nothing, and now she couldn't figure out where the others were. They don't want to find you. Alyce whirled around, but there was no one behind her. She frowned and continued her search of the basement. "Jasmine?"
"Guardian angel...were you the person watching me earlier?" Namine had surprisingly taken this news well.
Namine jumped in the air and whirled around in surprise when a girl appeared out of nowhere behind her.
Namine smiled and headed towards her house. Why do I keep feeling like someone was watching me earlier?
Namine smiled. "My cell phone's back at my house. Want me to go get it?"
Alyce nodded and headed towards the basement. Maybe Jasmine was just down there looking for her ring or something... OOC: Laters, Rax.
Alyce managed a fainty smile. "It's alright. Just remember if I'd known you'd really meant that, you'd probably be unconscious in the office by now." She looked over Jake's shoulder at Geryl. "Jasmine? I haven't seen her since I gave her ring back to her...why?"
"Probably. Knowing them, they probably got themselves in trouble again." Namine laughed.