Alyce had a facepalm moment. "Why didn't I remember that I had this?" she muttered as she dug her small, worn flashlight out of her bag. "Heh...I would have given this to you, but I figured I might need it later."
Namine grinned. "Alright. Ready...set...go!" She took off across the sand. She was usually the one watching Sora or Riku race, but she'd raced Kairi a couple times before.
Alyce looked at the cell as if looking for a lock of some sort. "How long have you guys been in here?"
Alyce winced a little at the bright light, but walked over to where Nami was. "Jeez Nami, I thought you were trying to kill the shadow, not me." she joked, a hand slightly covering her eyes.
Namine smiled. "Racing sounds kind of fun."
Namine shrugged. "I dunno. Any ideas, Azula?"
"Okay." Namine got up from her spot in in the sand. "I'll leave you and Sora alone..." Namine told Kairi teasingly as she walked away and waited for Azula to catch up.
Namine gave a light shrug. Now that she was thinking about it, who did she like? She wasn't even sure.
Namine laughed lightly at Azula's comment as she watched Sora and Kairi, slightly amused.
Alyce shrugged, trying to remember if she'd seen a door on the way to the basement. "I passed a door near the basement when I went down there. That might be it."
Alyce waited anxiously for a reply from the other side of the wall. Hopefully whoever it is can actually hear us through the wall...
Olette please. :)
"Hi. We were looking for you earlier, you know." Namine told Sora. OOC: I have to go. Later, guys. ^^
"Hey Kairi. I see you found Sora." Namine replied cheerfully. "Sorry I took so long."
Namine smiled. "Then I'd better get going. I'll see you later!" She gave a faint wave, then took off towards where Kairi had been.
Namine smiled. "Invisible, huh? I wish I could do that sometimes." She thought for a moment. "Do you mind if I go back and hang out with Kairi? I think that she probably thinks I ditched her."
"Oh." Namine frowned. She had to get back to Kairi, but she didn't want to just leave her newfound angel behind.
Namine smiled as she reached her house. She quickly ran into her room, grabbed her cell phone off her bed, and bolted out the door. "I'm sure Kairi won't mind if you hang out with us for a little bit." she offered.
"It's alright. I just have to stop by my house and get something really quick. You can come with if you want."
Alyce nodded and looked over at him. "'re okay to walk, right?" She put her hand against the wall and jumped when she felt a faint vibration. Is someone behind the wall...?