0_0 Mommy....
Hm. An odd thing to think about but I suppose it's not entirely impossible. It'd be weird to see that although with enough time they could make something like that.
That's awesome! I hope you use it because it's not every day you get a chance like that.
I can't say that you're wrong I'm afraid. I can't disagree with anything you just said actually. Life does suck. But you know what? We get through it. F**k anyone who tells you you can't do something. F**k anyone who tries to put you down. F**k anyone that tries to use you or abuse you. F**k 'em all for all I care. There's only one person you can really trust in this dog-eat-dog world: Yourself. You'll always be there no matter what you do. Yeah friends and family can comfort you, but only you can take the pain away, only you can make that decision. If you've done something wrong you'll know. If someone else says you've done something wrong, you'll know if they're lying or not. If you're desperate for some one to love, you only have yourself to turn to. Sorry if I'm sounding a bit harsh, but it's the truth. Do your best to try and find friends. They may help. But in the end, you'll be the only one you have.
The game's awesome. I'd reccomend it to anyone. Definetly a 9.5 or even a 10 out of 10. Although I must say, it steers away from survival horror. Don't get me wrong, it'll have your heart racing at times, just in a different way. I'd call it more of an action game. I play this constantly, and I'm currently trying to get all of the BSAA emblems and get infinite ammo for all weapons.
Well I'm mostly into classic rock but I branch out here and there. Let's put it this way: If you told me to name my favorite artists I'd say Rush, Guns 'n' Roses, Van Halen, and you'd think I was a Rock 'n' Roll guy. But then I'd say Michael Jackson and Owl City. Then you'd just say I was weird. I also like classical like Mozart and Beethoven, a little blues and jazz here and there, and raggae. I don't like: 95% of rap, 95% of pop, 95% of metal, and basically new music. I feel like I was born 40 years too late.
At this point, Brisingr (or: The Seven Promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular. Yes I am a nerd.) ,the third book in the Eragon series. I'm almost done and so far it's been pretty good.
I like to stop and stare at those kind of people. Like you said, once in a while is fine but that's just kinda creepy. But hey, it's their time, it's their life.
That's wierd. I got Dmeyx even though most of my answers were violent. In fact, I don't think any of my answers were even Demyx-related! I'M SO CONFUSED!!!
So, I just woke up. My parents turned my alarm clock off, and left a note saying that they had called me in sick today. I'm guessing that my dad's at work and my mom is either with my brother in the hospital or helping my dad with something. It looks like everything's going to turn out alright, but I don't know.
He jumped off an overpass. My mom just went to go get him, and I haven't heard any news yet. My family's in mass hysteria. My brother's threatened to kill himself before but he's never actually done it...... News: I'm not sure if he jumped or not but regardless, he's alive. He's suicidal, most likely on drugs, and running from the police. Final Update: He spoke with Police and my mom is taking him to the hospital to get him mental help.
This is so horrible it can only be descirbed through the use of multiple smilies: :guns: :rockdover: :yelling: :censor2: :laughing-smiley-004 :crashcomp: :silence: :roar: :bored: :speechless-smiley-0 :nerve: :sideways: :blink: :shocked: :gunwtf: :huh: :cryinganime: :sweatdrop: That's what I think of it.
My god. Our society is truly breaking down. Actually my younger brother's in 6th grade and all of the girls in his class have been questioning him about his "social life." As in, girlfriends. Even when I was in 6th that kind of thing was going on yet. It's horrible. God, before long 8 year olds will be driving and 9 year olds will be parents. We're becoming more and more reliant on our youth.
Um.... Maybe....
I guess... Xanlyd maybe? I don't know, my name is kinda weird.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, I have to go get Sonic and the Black Knight so that I can prove that just because Sonic has a sword, it doesn't mean the game will suck.
I suck at it. :( The chainsaw guys always get me.
Nice. By the way, do you sell propane and propane accessories?
My neighbor. On his deck he has this piece of plywood put up facing us, and it has two little eye holes 0_0 I'm not even kidding.
Well, let me explain how this works. My nickname is Funkmaster D. (Yeah, I know...) So, my friend's nickname is Colors (Again, I know.) and so they were kinda teasing him, and then they look at me and one girl says: "You need a nickname too. How about... Funkmaster D, Rolls Like A Gangsta?" Yes, yes, everybody laughs, and they laugh, and I die a little inside.