Masako after sipping some of her coffee nodded and continued to drink.
OOC- Right... *skips to next morning because im so brilliant* IC- Koian wakes up the next day. She gets dressed and makes sure the Death Note paper was safe. Walking down the hall she hummed to herself a dark tone then went into the cafeteria. She sat down and waited for Just.
OOC- Hey sorry about that =D IC- "Amazing isn't it? It also changed your personality by maybe 20%. Now your more like a child." Koian said poking the orb making it bounce aginst teh room slamming Reji around inside of it. Koian laughed at the fun she was having playing with her new toy. "Isn't this fun new toy?" She asked laughing a little.
Larxene turned her head to where Roxas and Axel were hiding. She had heard her name and the word hag. No one calls me hag! She spun out her kunais and threw them at the door. She ran at it opened then grabbed Roxas so Axel wouldn't leave. "Damn you! Never call me hag!" She yelled at Axel angry.
Okay well g2g now =[ post back tommorow. See ya. (weird time zone difference between us)
Rawr!!!! *jumps onto you* We/I missed yuo! Why did you stop rping? <=[ *glomps you here*
OOC- Okay v_v Post on RoH and ummm will have to go suddenly like in 1 minute xD
O_O Emmy~Dot = Polka-Dot! Mari-Dot! *runs at you even if idk if u are her!*
hey Rawr ;] Post on RoH already! (just a friendly reminder) xD
OOC- Yea because no one will finsih there talky talky and move onto the next day! For petes sake! Im sleeping right now in IC.
Mion hurried off to the metting once the day was over. "Hey." She said smiling and sitting down on a desk.
"What do you think?" Koian asked looking at Reji's new small body snickering. She couldnt help it! She started bursting out laughing. Koian stopped laughing after 45 seconds. "You enjoying your new young body?" She asked again.
Angel followed Zen out of the door after teh bell rang. She managed to see Root close behind.
Laxene heard the noise and ran to the source. She drew her pistol and walked in after Vi.
OOC- Oh ok i didnt know sorry =[ well ok. And im no sidekick im half kira and ur the other half. we are whole as a couple in IC! MUHAHAHAHA >=]
Masako blinked then looked at Naru, "Thats sounds a bit simple but okay." She went to the coffee maker and got a cup of coffee and began to drink.
"What?" She asked and drew a random picture of one of Roxas's memories.
I like getting messages =3
"Maybe..." She said sounding inicont. "What you doign here anyway?" She asked looking at him.