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  1. ~Larxene_43
    Koian wakes up later to see no moon up but it was dark. It was a New Moon. "Damn it. I never got to get that saps power." Koian wispered to herself then stood up. She brushed off the grass and stared at the empty black sky. Her eyes turned yellow as she began to shift into a wolf. She finally made that form. Koian ran off into the woods to find a town. Where Reji was.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ~Larxene_43
    Namine knew that was Larxene's lip gloss. she stared at the box then her eyes trailed off to meet Saix's. "Why the hell do you have Larxene's lip gloss?" She asked him staring at him then got the idea! Oh my god! Hes gay! Namine then looked shocked suddenly and ran away screaming.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ~Larxene_43
    Angel was sitting by Max. "Interesting." Angel said cheerfully and held onto Max's hand.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ~Larxene_43
    Mion shrugged and looked around at everyone.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ~Larxene_43

    Ghost Hunt

    Masako got out of the van and looked around. She didn't feel anything yet in the area. "Not yet." She said said standing by Naru.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ~Larxene_43
    "Alright. Oh! By the way, I have track practice tonight. This weekend we have a meet." Koian said walking down the hall with Just. She noticed Matt and sighed.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ~Larxene_43
    OOC- When she swipped her stuff at the shop xD
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ~Larxene_43
    Namine walked off into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed a cherry popcicle. Pulling the wrapper off she stuck it into her mouth and pouted. Walking back to her room she saw the Luna running away with a box. She silently followed him still pouting.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ~Larxene_43
    "Well.. It all started when I came to this normal school, or so i thought, to hide from the Erasers and Flyboys. I enrolled and went to classes and befriended Zen, Root, and Elaine. There all like us to i found out on the 3rd day here. And now i live with Zen in a abandoned house with enough rooms for everyone. So.. Does that clear things up a bit?" Angel explained to everyone walking to them a bit.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ~Larxene_43
    OOC- larxene has her wallet btw >_>

    IC- Larxene smiles and looks through her wallet. She sees non of it has been used. She sighed and left her room.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ~Larxene_43
    Koian gigles and makes a dark portal stepping bacik into it. She appears somewhere in a feild. Koian yawns and lies down in the feild for rest. She closes her eyes and falls asleep.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ~Larxene_43
    *follows yuo liek a puppy to it* Its okay =O
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. ~Larxene_43
    Meep! O_O Larxene first if you can then Saix then.... Demyx <3
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. ~Larxene_43
    Yeah... Well they better not make the bosses TO EASY. xP
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. ~Larxene_43
    Its ok =[ *pats ur back*
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. ~Larxene_43
    OOC- a little god-mod but oh well


    Koian looked at Sky who just dropped onto the floor from the shadow beasts. She smiled and walked over to him. "Perfect." She said sticking the niddle into him near the veins letting it go in as she pressed down the end. In about 3 minutes he begins to glow and get smaller. The light disappears and shows him at 5 years old. Koian smiled and was proud of her work. She turned to Reji and said, "See your not alone now.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ~Larxene_43
    OOC- Lol


    Namine got bored so easy. She needed something to do. She got up and left her room walkign down the hall to see if there is anything to do.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ~Larxene_43
    Yeah real funny xD
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. ~Larxene_43
    "No thanks." She said doddles on a peice of paper in her notebook.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ~Larxene_43
    Namine made a sad face and walked off depressed. She went to her room and sat there sad. If she had feelings she would be crying.
    Post by: ~Larxene_43, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home