Koian tilted her wolf head up. The smell of blood filled all round her. Her ears perked up and heard Sky call out Reji's name. Her wolf like legs ran quickly to the noise and smell. Koian found a boy out on the ground. She snarled with glee. She pranced over to the body and examined it. She was ready to take him by the neck. Koian then turned her head to see Reji. She stared at him.
"Awwww!" Luna awwed cuddling the puppy heartless. "Its so cute!" Luna said again letting her cuddle it is she wanted to.
Namine giggled seeing Roxas's face all red.
OOC- I can control Nudge and .....Fang xD IC- Angel landed with the flock and stepped in. "My room is upstairs right infront of the stairs." She said taking Nudges hand and running up the stairs with her. "Come on!" She said dragging Nudge into her bedroom. "You can sleep with me!" Angel still liked small spaces. Nudge opened her mouth to protest but desided not to.
Masako nodded and said, "Blurred but I'm sure that it would be easier to identify them at night."
OOC- i dont care =D and yes they can go aginst all schools. o_o IC- Koian thought for a moment then finally said, "Home."
Namine finally caught her breath and said to Roxas laughing, "Saix is gay!" It almost echoed through the castle and lab because of her squeakness.
Ohhhhhh ._. x3
o_o I see someone new! Who he? *points at Xennex*
Namine spotted Roxas's blound head and changed course. She ran down at Roxas then closed the door quickly slaming it. "I have to..... Tell you... Something.." Namine said out of breath.
Angel let go of Max's hand and leapt for joy. She spread out her wings and soared into the sky. She waited for the flock so they could make a flight patern like old times.
Koian hit her forehead and said, "I told you already. Did you already forget?" She smiled after taking her hand off her head.
Luna saw the little Heartless Puppy. "Awwww! Its so cute!" Luna shouted running over to the heartless and trying to cuddle it even though it could take her heart any moment.
OOC- Arent i Kairi =3 IC- Namine ran down the hall screaming looking for Roxas. "Roxas! Roxas! Roxas!!" She yelled all around screaming though the halls and rooms.
"Wait Zen. Can the flock come and live to in the house?'' Angel said taking a good grip on Max's hand. She didn't want to let go of Max again, Never.
OOC- Okay xD IC- Masako nodded and started with the backyard. Nope nothing here. Then the bathroom, Nada. Next the kitchen, Ziltch. She then went into the first bedroom upstairs. She felt something strong here. Masako made a little note in her head that this was a room. She wondered off into the second bedroom. Nothing at all. Finally she went up into the attic. Something about the room seemed strong. It was the strongest place in the area. She couldn't put her fingure on what it was. Masako went back down and into the room they would be using. "I found two room that have a strong spirital sense about it." She said looking around in the room.
Mion turned to look at her late sister. "Nice going, Shion." She said then stood up from the desk she was sitting on.
Koian smiled and said, "Im not sure. But I know there not a good school as us. There- Dare I say it, Public Schools." The thought of the schools of the public she once went to made her shunder.
Luna wondered down the hall walking torwards the big group of people including, Roxas, Namine, Axel, Angel, Shigiku, and Zexion. She was looking at the ground and wasnt paying attention of where she was going. The next thing she knew was her head hit something soft yet hard. She looked up to see what had happened.
Larxene got bored fast. She snuck off to Vexen's Lab so sneaky like. She went through his stuff and found the 'thingy' to create Replicas. She smirked with a idea and ran off into a portal to the wand shop to get her wand. (she just remembered to get it xD)