Namine stood up carefully and brushed the sand off her. She frowned as she teleported away to her room. "Stupid Axel." She mumbled angry. "He ruined my bikini!" Seeing her poor bikini has been ripped in some places.
Fang did a side kick at the Flyboy's ribs knocking it back a bit. Angel Meanwhile was looking around for Zen. "Zen!" She yelled looking franticly.
Masako picked up her phone and looked at her caller ID. it was Naru! She pressed talk. "Naru! Where are you?" She asked loudly.
OOC- Okay just hurry up! RAWR! *shoots ban-cannon ray at your writers block* DIE WRITERS BLOCK!
Mion grabbed a rice ball. She bit into it and waited to see if it had the sauce.
Larxene snuck over to a weird machine thingy. She put the DNA into it and pressed a red button. Making weird sounds, soon a Roxas clone poped out. "Just like a baby." She said snickering to the confused dumb Roxas.
OOC- Sorry x-x i have a problem with that. Im used to quick rping. (as in typign fast with people back and forth) IC- Unable to recover from it she alows herself to get hit. Falling to the floor with a long cut across her eye on her face. Soon she blacked out, dropping her gun. OOC- Okay now its fair x3 btw who the heck is Sai!?!? (im guessing Kikame)
Nudge took cover below while Fang grabbed Angel and carried her down before the bomb hit. "Thanks Fang." She said smiling. Looking around Angel asked, "Wheres Zen?" Before she knew it the Flyboys had snapped out of it.
Masako heard something and looked toward the base. "Ill be right back." She said walkign back to the base to see Naru gone. "Naru? Naru? Naru!?!" She yelled looking for him.
OOC- Okay.... O_O
Watching her gun fall off the building she giggles loudly. Holding her free hand out to the side she makes it come back using her darkness. Spinning it at Death's Head with such speed and skill.
Larxene snuck up behind Roxas smirking evily. She snached one of his hairs and portaled away quickly to Vexen's Lab.
Namine looked around to see a ice cream cart. Grinning she walked over to it and said, "One sea salt ice cream please." Namine looked up to see Axel. "Axel? Is that you?" She asked looking at his red hair.
Namine walked up behind Roxas. "Isnt is nice?" She asked lookign at the clam waves of the sunset setting on the ocean. She turned and smiled to Roxas.
Angel and the flock flew up and heard a chopper sound. Nudge and Fang landed in the trees nearby Zen. But Angel ignored it, she kept on flying. Suddenly a whole pack of Flyboys came out of the chopper and grabbed Angel. "Hey get off!" Angel yelled strugling as best as she could.
OOC- Lol *throws a life suport around him* Better? >_>
Masako smiled and said, "No. No. Its okay." She turned and show Mai the way to the attic.
Koian turns her head to him then giggles. She blurs behind him before the blade hit her. She slide her gun out and put it to his head. Putting the trigger back more ready to shoot.
"Yupp." Angel said and headed for the door with Nudge. Fang soon followed behind them.
I dont know =D