OOC- Mild Winter? What teh heck is mild winter? O_O I would rather watch Avatar The last Airbender! IC- Laxene smiled and walked after him. "Ill make it out i bet but oh well if I dont." Laxene said with a shrug.
OOC- ohhhh x3 Can u guys give me some square love? <=D ill give soem to you
"Alright." She said turning to mai. Why do I have to listen to her.. Masako shruged that thought away and listened.
"Aww come on Zexy, I was just playing with you. You know that." She said getting a little closer to Zexion.
Angel nodded and followed them to the next class which all three have together. She sat down and waited.
OOC- we need to start up again x_x; btw how did u get so many green squares =o
Mion seeing the school hurries off to class. She sits down near the back and waits.
"Hey Zexy." Larxene said turning to Zexion. "You mind helping me out looking for Roxas?" She asked putting her hand to her forehead like she was thinking.
OOC- lol yupp x3 IC- Koian looked at the waken Reji and smiled. "Morning, Little Reji." Koian said turning her smile into a snicker. "Awww... look how small you are now! So cute." She said gaging a little and walking back to her chair.
Lol =D Hi xD
Laxene had been following them. She followed the red powder and yelled down the hall once she saw them, "Hey there!" OOC- my sis says alot, "If Obama is president he will get assasinated." xD lol
Angel ate next to them and sighed. Then continued eating.
Masako's receptionist said "Ok" and hung up. The receptionist wrote down a note and went to go give it to Masako. When it got there Masako nodded and toke it. She read it and saw it was time to start. "5,4,3,2,1! We're Live!" The camera man said and Masako started her cast. When she was done she headed for the SPR. Finally she got there, Masako saw Naru and hurried to him pushing Mai out of the way. "Im here." She said looking at Naru.
OOC- bored IC- Larxene made her way down to Mar-Mar.
Larxene knew she wouldnt know but she walked off anyway. She headed into a pet shop and examined the room. She went on into the wand then the pub. Finally she entered the book store and looked around.
"France." Luna says looking at him.
Koian smiled and moved the bubble open half way. She toke out a niddle and put in a yellow liquid into it. She entered the niddle into his skin and made it go in. 5 minutes later Reji started to glow and he started to shrink. Good the nano-machines are working. Soon the light disapeared and revealed Reji when he was about 6. Laxene couldnt help laugh really loudly while closing up the bubble again. Reji ears and tail were smaller. Everythign was smaller about him. I bet his voice is squekier now OOC- I know i just cloudnt help doing that x3
Masako went to the News room and got ready for her Morning news cast. OOC- fill me in please on what she does teh news on? O_O