Kingdom Hearts. :)
Are you implying that Rissy looks like my hand?
Love is never funny luxord, love is never funny. :B|:.......... Ouch?
That's not what you said last night when we were making love! /:|
That's good :], but you know what else is good?
I thought you were going to say the game, but it seems I was mistaken. Also congratulations your future career is a business man!
8( No... The game. Muhahahha
The number you have dialed has been disconected, changed, or is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again.
the game. That is all, thank you.
round 2 kiss the bunny Jar-jar
:B|: 1. The death sticks scene was awesome 2. Okay then how would you make Yoda fight?
Please, just go away before you kill anymore of my brain cells. Thank you. Edit:jk
The guy who was selling death sticks, the fight against Dooku&Yoda, and the areana battle. Wait that's three!
:B|: ............. The battles are cool, but the love scenes were boring.
So out of all the other movies attack of the clones is your favorite?
>_> same here. Um busy and stuff from marching band and senior year. You?
:B|: Come on forsaken......... Damn I just lost the game.
Fixed :} ...
From what?