Which means you are not phyco. Other people dance and parade around claiming that they'll loose lot's of weight this year, or that their gonna quit smoking cold turkey. Yeah that's what you said last year! :P
Too late for that.
You always bring out my inner animal when you're here ORANGE.
Lol those were the days. I'm gonna go back to the discussion forum now. :p.
I too have had a problem with the pledge ever since I embraced atheism. I would have no problem with it if those two words weren't added in there. I mean it is very annoying that you have to stand, for a deity you don't believe in, but no where as annoying as seeing those billboards proclaiming "Jesus is real!†It seems a little forceful don't you think? After all believing in any kind of Deity or mythical creature requires no proof only a leap of faith. I might laugh at a billboard that said “Have you seen Jesus today?" then reply to someone “Yes, he was behind my sofa with the remote!â€. You have every right to express your opinion, but none to enforce it upon unwilling subjects. Only two words, for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs
Cause she is Rissy.
No one can tell you anything, because you can't observe anything, and by not being able to observe you can't hear audio, nor can you feel, so in actuality your not here, and therefore you do not exist. Why I'm explaining this to you is unknown since you don't exist, so this either means that I'm mad, or it mean you were scooped up from the ground by the flying spaghetti monster that whisked you into a volcano as soon as started talking.
Zexion is my favorite to play, for the following reasons: 1. Anyone who loves books so much that he uses them as weapons is badass. I mean what is cooler than using brain power to destroy your enemy? 2. His his magic level does not effect his other stats as negetivley as donalds. 3. Who doesn't like emo hair?
Snorlax can't dance though. Anyway let's change the subject. Who here likes mushrooms?
No let us feast upon it like flies and fungi until there is nothing left of this once proud site.
*face palms* Lol, well it isn’t that bad for one mistake, but it is a mistake regardless. So I need to proof read, and be more descriptive right? I'll remember that next time I am writing a poem. Thank you very much RV. Lol RV XD Thanks alot. =D
Similes and metaphors, wow I can't beleive I forgot to put some of those in their. :B|: Thanks for the CnC. :]
Yeah, it was all chocatley! Do you want to die?
Then read my poem. >_< http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=92412
I've never even met you! Who are you? Well sorry if you came when we had some trolls running around, hope you change your mind, well see yah.
That pisses me off, why can't they talk to you before they send you a friend request?
My brain says that it won’t work, Yet my heart says it will. My mind says she’s crazy, But my feelings say she is misunderstood. My mind and heart remember the good times we had And the bad times we had. My friends says that she is nuts, But that still doesn’t sway my heart. My mind says that my beliefs would shatter any chance of a new start, But my heart says that beliefs can be changed over time. If I give her a second chance then I might regret it, Or I may love it. I could be walking into a snare, But my heart ceases to care. Should I dive and hope for the best, Or should I stay out of the pool and avoid a possible threat? Some cnc and advice would be nice
A new song would be nice, especially one that sounds good in english. Cause in my opinion the japenese songs sound much better than the english versions.
I wish for positive rep. Edit: lol I wasted my first wish on non-existant badges. :{
To kill the thread. And you guys just gave it cpr, good going guys lol (simile). Are you sure about that? Its called shower.