I should not have not wasted money to see Titanic 3D and eat pizza at the mall Dx I will be 3DS-less and Spirit Camera would be sitting there with...
Yeah, it was a bit different then what I expected but it's cool :P Would you happen to have a 3DS?
The main series is... a different story >_> It's a cursed DS game that you have to finish in a week or you'll die (I know, it sounds like...
Wow, I totally forgot about Nanashi no Game. The only game of the series out in English right now is 774 Deaths.
Really? It seemed very easy for me o_o
At the moment... nothing else. Pokemon died on me recently (dealing with people about that topic was horrible and I avoid that topic at all cost)....
Exactly, everyone has different taste.
Hello there. A lot of good names are taken at the moment x_x Im trying to change mine haha. Have fun here in KH-Vids, be nice to everyone and stay out of trouble. There are some strict rules but once you get to know them the site doesn't feel strict anymore. ^_^
It's kinda best to drop the issue with Silent Hill 2 because I have enough people screaming at me for not liking it. It's getting old too and wish...
For all I have to say is Silent Hill 2 isn't really my cup of tea (story-wise). People can throw rocks at me for not liking it, I honestly...
HaHa, I've seen that a long time ago and laughed the first time I've seen it. Turns out Im not really going to pick up Downpour or HD Collection...
Oh my God, I totally remember this ad! :D This was back when I was watching my cousin play :) It seems a lot of people started with KH2 :/
I don't know why but the box art looks a little awkward with him in the box art. I don't mind or hate the box art it just looks a little awkward... When Nomura said he will change the box art (I forgot what reason it was) I thought he would remove Micky from the box art, that was my first guess :/ Here is version 1 And here is version 2 I don't know why but version 2 would have looked a lot better if Micky wasn't in it and a mirror image of Sora flipped. I might get a little hate for this thread but I just want to see if anyone else thinks the addition of Micky is unnecessary this time around. Sorry if this sounds like Im bashing or hating on the box art but in all honesty like I said before, I dont mind it nor I hate it. This is just something thats been poking me for a while x_x
I agree, I didn't care much for changes ether. I didn't care much for Mio and Mayu's new look in the Wii remake for Crimson Butterfly. But they are a bit too showy on the chest part. Wtf is that about?
Naked Dante alert :P From Siliconera
Stella Nox Fleuret already posted the costumes so I wont bother posting that up. Gilgamesh DLC. [video=youtube;0oHTGKPA6w0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oHTGKPA6w0[/video] PuPu DLC. [video=youtube;0LmCx085-dw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LmCx085-dw[/video]
For as long as I can remember since I was a child, I would remember crying and my mom would hit me shouting "boys dont cry!" at me, then thats when I started trying to bottle things up. Recently, when ever Im mad or sad I just bottle it up, forget it, then move on with my life not letting it bother me because there is no reason for me to be be in a negative mood when I should be in a positive one. When I really do get sad I just shed some tears, take a deep breath, then move on. Today (more like yesterday sense it's 12:54 am here) my friend went over to my school to pick up her friend, I walk over to her to say hi because we rarely see each other in person then she kinda took some of her anger on me(wont say why shes mad). I said "Im sorry", then she said "it isn't your fault, Im not mad at you". I've never liked it when my friends or the people I care about are in a bad mood (who wouldn't), it makes me sad really, especially when it's a situation where I can't help them. I know it's out of my control and sh*t happens but I would at least like to help a friend out. When Im around a friend who is mad I just bite my lip and keep myself shut because I don't know what to say or do to cheer them up so I give them space if things dont cool down. I know some people might think it's stupid feeling sad just because a friend is having an off day but I honestly don't know where it came from. I don't mind if people think it's stupid because I'm pretty much the person who keeps things to himself (a lot). Here is where things might not make any sense because I don't know how to explain it that well and the main reason why Im asking if there is such a thing as "bottling up too much". I thought of my friend and for some reason a tear started to surface, then countless more after that with being reminded of all the things I've bottled up in the past. I felt like I was drowning in my own tears. I guess Im frugal? I don't know what to call it. Is it so wrong for caring for other people?
I wonder whatever happened to the HD Collection/PS3 experiment thinggy. Oh well, canceled or not. I don't really care what this is till it's announce. I'll just play Spirit Camera and the whole Fatal Frame series again until it happens.
People accuse me of rushing a lot in video games. If they ever made a KH game where you can fight each other (which there is because it's the GBA original of CoM) I would be able to beat you flat. xD It's not my fault there is nothing to do in the outside world and have a lot of free time ;_;
I believe it has 13 hours worth of cutscenes. Thats what I meant by "I don't want to be up all day and night watching him play to find out." Lol