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  1. Shikou
  2. Shikou
    Juliet Can Transform Her Chainsaw Into A Gun In Lollipop Chainsaw

    As much as it looks like one, it isn't a stripper pole around the end of the video :P

    This is from Siliconera
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  3. Shikou
    I agree xD
    *removes the second image*
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  4. Shikou
    Is it just me or does that thing remind me of this o_o
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  5. Shikou
    HeeHee, I got Spirit Camera. I can wait 3 months for the English version thanks to this beautiful game x)
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Shikou
    I don't really think it was suppose to be meant to use for cosplay when they made it, you don't really see her cosplaying :/
    Omg! Who told you two of our plans?! Nyan~
    It's magic, magic is a science! Lol, I kidd :D
    I would like to see their research about it too :)
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  7. Shikou
  8. Shikou
    I can see many people using it as a cosplay prop (if your that hard core) and many using it for casual use for fun (like myself).
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  9. Shikou
  10. Shikou
    I agree with V@nit@s, people do and say stupid things when they don't really mean it at a heated situation like that.
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Shikou
    It's been a year since I've first heard of these and now Im so excited!

    From Crunchyroll
    Thread by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Current Events
  12. Shikou
    I've watched some trailers and previews/clips of the game on my Wii last night but I don't know how I feel about it. I've encountered some AR cards in the April issue of Nintendo Power last Saturday and the illustrations for them looked interesting. It looks fun and all but Im not sure. It is rare that I buy a first party Nintendo game (Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Donkey Kong for example) unless it's a Super Smash Bros. game then Im sold but sense Kid Icarus: Uprising is a first party Nintendo game I am not really sure if I should get it because not many first party Nintendo games interest me or get my attention as they did when I was a child.
    I am getting a 3DS soon and Spirit Camera The Cursed Memoir is my top priority for the system but I don't know if I should be hyped to get Kid Icarus: Uprising. Are all the positive things about the game true?
    Thread by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Shikou
  14. Shikou
  15. Shikou
    I don't mind the DLC but I am a bit weird out about the "real ending" DLC or whatever their calling it. With that said, the game is incomplete since the release making people think there is going to be a XIII-3. I won't even pick this game up nor the first XIII (because I beat it at a friends house).
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  16. Shikou
    Oh, I've always wondered what happened with them. This thing will join them soon enough.
    The pages didn't really give me a direct description (must be because Im still asleep) but your post sure paints me a clear picture, thanks :D *gives rep*
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  17. Shikou
    Sora's face is a little weird there too xD
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Shikou
    Dat PuPu, so kawaii >W<
    Post by: Shikou, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  19. Shikou
  20. Shikou