If I were straight I would totally like flat chest girls. Some girls actually prefer to have smaller breast to lose some attention. My friend literally trips a lot and has an unbalanced body because of hers. If your boyfriend is ok with them why worry so much? As for the "Gift from Heaven" comment, most of them are perverts (no offence) =__= Btw, I agree what Rem is saying :)
Posted by Crunchyroll For those of you who want to see the CM here it is. People at Crunchyroll has told many people to get their head out of the gutter. Spoiler [video=youtube;vNIzemwvyTE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNIzemwvyTE[/video]
After playing Parasite Eve I waited desperately for Parasite Eve II to be released on PSN but due to the hack crisis at the time I had to wait till August (5 month gap between the re-release of 1 and 2). I've played Parasite Eve II up to September then forgot about it. I've made it on to Disc 2 but I am not sure if I should restart the game or continue. I could barely remember the events of Disc 1(which is weird because Im not forgetful when it comes to video games). I don't really mind restarting if I have to, when I forget some things for video games my memory comes back when certain events occur but there was this one boss that annoyed the hell out of me Lol. So should I continue or restart the whole game? And for those of you who are curious yes Parasite Eve is a great series and shouldn't be compared with any survival horror series I recommend it, Square did a beautiful job including Yoko Shimomura for doing the soundtrack of the first game :)
Official North American/European Website here http://theatrhythm.com/ Turns out we get a pre-order bonus Japan never got. Im not that much of a fan for it but I am still getting the game :) http://www.siliconera.com/2012/04/1...antasy-has-a-pre-order-bonus-japan-didnt-get/
Has anyone gotten the AR thinggy?
People hate this game? I kept reading comments like "This is so much better then Days" and stuff like that. Weird. I don't hate it in anyway, I actually liked Coded and 358/2 Days equally for the unique things they bring.
HaHa, it's awesome :D
I actually like the style :) I have a feeling this might not be the last time we see her but obviously we wont have to wait for XXVII just to see her again xD Spoiler
I see a very small image from Zero Chan x_x
Oh, I wouldn't know then [IMG]
I don't know when but the official website made some updates for downloads~ -New Wallpapers -New Twitter Icons (Oh Square, you and your Twitter Icons) -Screensaver (It's actually kinda cute, I have it as my default)
FES? You mean this FES?
I must say, I enjoyed this series a lot. :) It's like Battle Royale with cell phones xD The ending does remind me of... Spoiler the ending to the Death Note Live Action movie series (Death Note the Last Name) except everyone is alive. Yuno has no memory of Yuki like Misa did in some way because she forgot something important about Light. I am very excited for the live action version! :D
Shocking huh? xD You can find Vincent (from Catherine) sitting at a bar in the PSP game :)
I might actually get this game. I've been playing the web browser version (that is now closed) that connects your FaceBook and Twitter account just to play it a few weeks ago. I've never owned or played a rhythm based game before besides the Miku Hatsune Project Diva Demos for PSP so I'll pick this up on day one. That is, if I have my 3DS by then. To be perfectly honest, it was really fun, it made me want to buy the actual game :)
None of them has gotten my interest yet, I can't buy games at the moment ether xD
1.Do you like Fatal Frame? 2.If you were to pick any of the Organization XIII members (other then Zexion) to voice who would it be?
About time!!! D:< Didn't the manga series for that ended in Volume 5?
Grr. I have to wait till after school to watch the finale :B
I love your sig man :D