Hallo :'D I'm decent, and you?
Nice plan thar, and thanks c: Harriet c: How come? xD D'awww thank you xD and the negativeness must be spreadiiing D8 No <3 Will watch tomorrow, thank you for the link though, I must log off for now xD
Try not to be too scared of the drama, yes there is a lot of it but it's only a certain number of members who really do it. I'm glad you're giving the rest of the site a chance, enjoy your stay here (:
Of course I did! 8D no problemo
Lol @ the "Because I've lost control of my life" D'awww thank you xD That actually made me lol, that goat is pretty damn epic. I d'awwww'd D: thank you x)
Cheer me up, KHV? :C I'm feeling pretty bad at the moment... Not that anyone will take this thread seriously anyway :v
Congrats, Spaze c:
Boo .
I was just saying tablets ftw? xD
You woke up with a spider in your mouth
Approve c8 tablets ftw
Damn that glass is ugly.
Sounds a lot like how mine was xD
Decent I guess, you? xD
No problem ^^
Nah I know it's hard to tell without playing the game, it DOES look a lot like an owl xD and fff that sucks D:
His bff Jill?
Avatar: 6 Sig: 7
I loved this game xD
Hmm thank you very much x) I'll check it out when I have the time : D