Hrrrm not too much now, you? ^^
I'm doing better, you? xD
Waaait I know you, you go on TKK forums xD I just joined thar a couple of days ago.
I'm saving up for other games xD I had to pay all of my money to pay towards the 360 even though it was a b-day gift B(
Is more amazing O:
Facebook. I update it about once every two weeks.
Likes blue-green.
Believes the cake is a lie
Show these movies to your kids, yes >: their lives will be complete. I am disappoint, a couple of weeks ago two of my friends and their older brothers wanted to watch all the Pokemon movies in one night but at the last second they were like "WAIT LET'S WATCH THE GRUDGE MOVIES INSTEAD" B(
Not a problem o: and oh man, that must not be good.
Darn right I did >D Has an epic sig of an epic game (Minish Cap = <3)
Believes in dragons. Dragons are awesome.
Best of luck with the long distance relationship (: they can be tough, don't give up though. It'll be worth it once you save money and get to see her again.
I love doing this too O: and lol the first Pokemon movie, I haven't seen that in forever B(
Hopefully, yes xD
Hey, thank you c: that really means a lot!
No problemo ^^
III'lll save yooou B|
Iceland, I mean I actually want to see Kawkistan for myself...
LMAO yes I do. Still makes me laugh :'D Yesssss