Banned because it is my birthday and I wanted to ban you.
Thank you and my birthday is already on the way to being great since I got the the entire Death Note Anime on DVD and I also got the entire Death Note Manga.
Alright thanks I will look it up now.
Thank you Kharg.
Banned because I think Rienzel would be good at this.
Banned for being my awesome sister.
Banned because my name is not mark.
Banned because I wanted to make sure no one else can ban you.
Banned for being awesome.
This Friday I am going to London for a few days. I leave on May third and come home May sixth the day before my birthday. While I am away I will be getting two free comic books while I am there. I would like some suggestions to what I should buy with my birthday money in Forbiden planet.
Banned for banning me.
Banned because at least it isn't some middle aged italian guy.
For me it would have to be Axel, Demyx and Zexion. Don't judge or question me for my choices I have my reasons but I won't share them.
Haha yeah and as your mate I would never want you to change either.
You are already so close to that as it is nights.
Well surgery is the answer then.
It is my belief that Bronies are male fans of MLP while Pegasisters are female fans.
My real name is very easy to say but there are several different spellings of it and quite frankly I hate it. So I ask to be called Oda in both real and virtual life. It does bother me beyond belief when people get it wrong though. People say it like O da when it is meant to be said like Odd da.
Banned for being a weird Princess who is constantly saved by a child.
Haha there he goes showing no mercy once more Just tell me can you endure? Or will you fold like many before Heck some have even tried to hide behind the "hero" they adore Do you think that our skills are just as poor? Haha that just proves your brains should be on the floor Trying to be a guy with real skill But really enjoying the fake thrill Of knowing in time your worthless blood will spill It takes more than simple rhymes on your antidepressant pill It takes raw talent and a powerful will Only then can you go in for the kill Don't think this is an invite to diss This is just a message to you there little miss The sad fake kid no one wants to kiss Trying to intimidate with that imitation snake's hiss Yeah yeah that cycle wasn't as long But some of us don't need large rhymes to be strong Heck I can rhyme even without insperation's gong Think that makes me bad? Nope your wrong Because unlike you I have too much balls to fit in that thong Now I ask will you continue to be a stupid mong? Or will you go deliver a critical hit And show us your raw talent and grit Let the spark ignite your quick wit And forget those worthless piles of spit You let out while trapped in the fool's pit Or maybe that is just you in a tantrum or a fit.