Banned because nothing is drawing me these days.
Banned because I don't do much these days.
I used to do a lot here but now I barely do anything so KHV give me somethig to do!
I'm still getting birthday wishes? Haha thanks to everyone who posted here.
Who would I share a paopu fruit with? Now that is a tough question but quite frankly I don't think I would share it with anyone. Or more specifically I wouldn't keep it for myself at all. I would give the fruit away to someone I know would have better use for it than I do and quite frankly just knowing all my friends has made them part of my destiny I don't need no fruit to cause it.
The same can be said about you and Aqua.
Yeah I understand and the character for me is L Lawliet.
Who do you think I mean
I truly believe the character in question is just like me in personality and talents.
I had no choice but to get both the anime and the manga because I saw a character in the series I just relate to.
I got the manga to complete my knowledge of the series.
Banned because banning brings brutally battered bodies.
Interesting well I got a few DVDS and manga books.
You turned 19 while I turned 22. And I was away in London from the third to the sixth of May as my gift from my folks. What did you get?
Banned for using a Doctor avatar.
It was a great one and thank you Nas but I don't have to forgive you since I feel bad more for missing your birthday.
It has been.
Thank you dear sister Strfruit.
Banned because the Doctor wants you as his new companion.
Banned because thank you and I knew you would say that.