Banned because "It's too late to apologize"
Banned because you haven't replied to my question in the pm yet.
Banned because I did make a good sale.
Banned for not being a death note charater.
Banned because too much truth is better than the alternative.
Banned because I am not mean and I will give you a chance and when you prove me wrong I will apologize. But it is in your hands talk to me in pm if you want to be friends.
Banned for being Sayu Yagami.
Banned because you can't get along with everyone.
Banned because I think I will just not bother.
Banned because I don't know you and by the way you are acting I am glad I don't.
Banned because sometimes people make you try but lucky you are not one of them.
Banned because I try to be.
Banned because I always compliment my friends as both Railos and Strfruit will confirm.
Banned for being weird but a great guy to talk to.
Banned for not making sense.
Banned for thinking I don't understand your pain.
Banned because it is fact that if you lose every part of your childhood you become a grouchy old fool.
Banned because I have a childish desire to win.
Bannd becauss I hate to lose.
Banned because I am L.