Banned because I doubt there is a member on this forum that doesn't want one.
I joined up in 2008 so I am not as old as most here but I understand the feeling.
Those were quite unique performances I have to go for entrant number three.
Banned because I want one.
Bannec because L would beat castle oblivion easy.
Banned because I am actually british just like L
Banned because I am L who is also british.
Banned because when you are a detective like myself you need to pay close attention.
Banned because many people didn't but I thought it would be obvious who I meant.
Banned because Cypher is what I call Indecypher.
Banned because Cypher really likes us banning each other doesn't he?
Banned because your name contains a Q.
Banned because you don't need a reason.
Banned because I have no reason
Banned because we all do and it is Schadenfreude.
Banned because I remembered the event in question when you mentioned it.
Banned for correcting me on a slight flaw in my knowledge.
Banned because your Tennant not Smith.
Banned because I am glad and also banned because you are a guy who died nine times.
Banned because I am enjoying talking to you.