I remember you uncannily well. Mostly from MSN.
Well, it looks like this girl... /sunglasses ...Is gonna get drilled.
More like someone's already in college.
I need no weapon of choice, for I am god. I also do love everyone. I just happen to love most people with a special kind of love. I call it "hate".
Not a lot. Been working on this poem for the past two days but fffuuuccckkk writer's block
Or you can control both of them by yourself if you're not a little *****.
I second this nomination, and I also would like to be nominated for best section
Explain to me where faith and truth become opposites. I can have just as much faith in the fact that the sky is blue as I can have in god.
Guuuys as long as someone believes that I'm god, I am Don't make them believe that I don't exist ;-;
Sure, no problem man. *Dalkist
It's an inkblot, it in itself has no meaning; the human mind gives it a meaning.
I'm seeing Shiva.
That's a pretty robot-looking face.
Thomas's. I really wanted Guy's, but that would be nearly impossible. I mean, look at the shape of his visor. xD
Post ending in 49 decides what facial expression it has. Try and keep it simple, though. I can't do anything too complex.
Quit being a smartass.
Only those who are prepared to kiss ass should have their ass kissed.