You don't like MY attitude? Well, excuuuuuuse me.
This is excluding what your posts in the spamzone. See where I clarified that? No, of course you didn't. I am only talking about your posts outside of the spamzone. Had you bothered to try and look through what I was saying, instead of jumping to conclusions that I am talking in a completely different context from the one that I have been for the rest of this conversation, you may have known that.
Only for people who are any good at it.
Nonono I mean Before I was pretty okay with the idea of romance. I really loved it, actually- -no pun intended ...but now it can just go **** itself.
Mission success.
The rate is irrelevant; only spam posts are deleted and you would have to do a considerable amount of spamming out of the spam zone to pass 500 four times under any circumstances. Your post count is 436 at the moment. This means that at least 64 of the posts that you had before were spam. This means that roughly 11.5% of all of your posts that count are spam. AT LEAST. THIS ISN'T EVEN COUNTING ALL OF YOUR POSTS THAT WERE DELETED BEFORE. I don't have a measure of those; but from a personal opinion of you that could make the total percent exceed 40%.