Amaury Staffie Thread C
Well thank god it wasn't some cheesy tumblr valentine's puke-worthy crap I approve. I believe you should also.
I actually kinda feel like Nemo. I so desperately want to get out into the world, but once I'm there I'm scared as hell
Please, there's no such thing as too much SVU :P
Just passing through :) Dramas at home have calmed down, so I have some time to spend with my lovely KHVers before uni starts (next week) How's things?
Complete opposite. When I'm nervous people won't even notice me. I don't talk at all.
Well, that changed quite quickly... Anyway, to answer the original thing-it depends on who I'm with and where I am. I talk a lot more than I used to, but today I probably spoke about 10-20 words. It was my uni orientation and I had 3 guy friends with me who all decided to be :)
Ladder had been updated!!! 1. PaW (33 points) 2. Amethyst (31 points) 3. darkhorseD (24 points) 4. Janson (20 points) 4. Mish (20 points) 5. Calxyin (16 points) 6. Odamadillo (14 points) 7. Heart (9 points) 7. HoT (9 points) 7. Tummer (9 points) 8. Zelda (7 points) 9. Flowergothic (2 points) 10. Moshi (1 point) Make sure you enter each time to keep up your score! KHV Idol is still on break for a few weeks though. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Voting is now closed!!! 1st place, with 7 votes, goes to Entry #4! Congratulations Mish! Equal 2nd place, with 2 votes each, goes to Entries #3 and #5!! Well done to HoT and Tummer!! Equal 3rd place, with 1 vote each, goes to entries #1 and #2! Good Job to Zelda and Odamadillo! Well done to everyone who participated! KHV Idol will be off for a few weeks, but we'd love to have you around next time!! Make sure you stick around for the new guidelines! :)
No. Never.
I lower my activity and now people are asking what happened to KHV? Connect the dots, people
Announcement: KHV Idol will be taking a break for a few weeks. Very sorry for the inconvenience but as you've probably noticed I've been late and slow with threads and guidelines. I need a short break from things, therefore Idol will also be taking a break. Sorry.
Yeah I asked PaW because I thought you signed off. Thanks anyway :)
Hey fork! I already VMed Chev but seeing as youre online... Can you please lock/delete my HWL thread?... Hey chev! When you get the chance, can you please lock/delete this thread? I already...
SVU marathon, followed by going to the park with my cousin and making fun of all the couples, all while texting my ex-who kept reminding me that he is single and lonely...but overall a very good day
I was actually going to say 'I love you' to my best friend, but given that he's also my ex it might be a bad idea...