Good side is everyone so far has had a legitimate reaon for saying no. My best friend isn't even going. I feel rather pathetic at the moment.
Not when you're genuinely afraid nobody will turn up
Is it possible to feel so bad you want to call off your own birthday party and apologise for disturbing people? KHV...I think I need a hug.
There's this: Spoiler View attachment 35587 And there is also this: Spoiler View attachment 35588 inb4Amethystisaslut
Notice how Misty hasn't been here yet
Drinking coffee with no sugar and getting ready for stuff...
Thank you!!!!!!!' :) Haha thanks you read my mind! :P
....6 hours later.....
...I used to look into my father's eyeeess In a happy home, I was a king I had a golden throooone *dodges bullets*
quite strange indeed...
mmkay but make sure you add plumsy too EDIT: The room doesn't exist anymore?!
it seems i can't send it again, it says 'waiting for a response'
I made a private room. You should have an invite?
Probs not. It'd be very hard to play on a phone
sweet! Invites have been sent! Let the games begin! :)
k dudes...gotta accept my friend requests so I can add you to the game
Added! Excuse the crappy username, I made it when I was 13[DOUBLEPOST=1362901018][/DOUBLEPOST] Wanna join in? :)
sweet! Lemme know when you've signed up :P
In roughly 6 hours I will (at least over here) be 18, and an adult in Australia. ^Who wants to join me? :)
Well duh